Story Fourteen

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Hey whores, I'm back! Have some gay shit because I'm gay and I like writing it. No warnings for this chapter accept implied sexual content and fighting if ya squint, enjoy!
This certainly wasn't how Wilford expected to spend his Friday night. He had his clothes laid out for a party, had his eyes set on a dance club that had recently opened downtown, had taken a shower and combed his hair back in an attempt to look more "put together", but it seemed that he had wasted his time.
Not because some drastic thing happened, the club didn't catch fire, the police didn't finally come knocking at his door, the only reason he knew he had wasted his time, was because of a certain someone sitting on his bed, covered in scrapes and bruises.
"Hold still." His voice rang out into the otherwise silent room, and he gently grabbed Dark's chin in order to clean up the cuts on their face. "This might sting a little." The demon snorted, as if he said something funny, and it was only then that Wil remembered they couldn't feel pain like a usual human.
His face heated with embarrassment at his error, but he still made sure to move the cloth gently across their skin, as if any rough touch would cause them to shatter. He hoped the other wouldn't notice, but his hopes were dashed when they spoke. "You don't have to be so gentle, I won't break." Their voice was quiet, as if it was a strain to speak, but their words didn't shake or crack. He simply nodded, but didn't attempt to be any rougher with them.
"Are you going to tell me what happened? Or do I have to guess?" The comment was met to be a joke, a phrase to break the tension, and it made Wilford smile up at his friend, but they seemed as stone-faced as before. "Anti and I got into another fight." Their words made him frown, and Wil nodded as he looked over their face.
There was something about that face, something about being this close to them that made his heart pound in his chest. He could see the lines in their face, the bags under their eyes, the sharp angle of their jaw, the curve of their lips. He never thought he would be this close to them, and yet...
"-re you okay?"
Their soft, deep voice pulled him from his thoughts, and Wil cleared his throat, face flaring with heat once again when he realized he must have been staring. "Y-Yes of course, I got distracted." That drew a soft laugh from them, a sound that made Wilford smile. "Well yes, I could tell." Then, the room went silent again.
The silence helped him think, helped him imagine. This moment was something directly out of a movie, Dark was sitting here in his room, they had come to him for solace, and even though their lips were cut and bruised, he found himself staring at them. He wanted to kiss them, he wanted to run his hand along their cheek and look into their eyes, he wanted to feel their lips against his own.
"Distracted by what?"
They had spoken again, and had he not been staring directly at their lips, Wil wouldn't have known. He smiled at them, gently taking their hand in his own to clean - their knuckles were scraped, which met they must have punched Anti at some point during their fight. "It's nothing, don't worry about it."
The response caused Dark to raise an eyebrow, those perfect lips pulling into a smirk. "Nothing?" He looked up at them to reassure that it was truly nothing to worry about, but the look on their face made him turn away. "I-I was just...It was nothing." Then he felt their cold hand on his face, cupping his cheek, it was soothing, but it made his breath catch.
"Wilford." They turned his face towards them, but his eyes still turned away, avoiding their gaze. "Wil, I know you were staring at me...I'm not stupid." He almost jumped where he sat, eyes frantically looking around the room as he stuttered to find an answer that would explain why he had gotten lost in their perfect features.
But he couldn't think to speak, they had drawn him closer, lips inches from his. He could smell their cologne, feel their hot breath on his face, and his eyes finally turned to them.
"I'm going to kiss you now, okay?" He nodded, gaze flickering between their eyes and lips. Then they were kissing him, and it was everything he could have imagined. Their lips were soft, warm, they tasted like wine and coffee, and it was a feeling that Wil could have melted into forever.
He dropped the washcloth on the bed, his arms wrapping around their neck as he deepened the kiss, and he felt their free hand move to his waist, pulling him closer to them. Their touch was heavenly, it felt as if they were met to hold him like this, and he couldn't stop smiling.
He pulled away to breathe, but once he attempted to speak, they were kissing him again, gently pushing him to lay back. He felt his back hit the mattress, and his hands cupped their cheeks as he let himself relax into the feeling. Then, he felt their hands start to wander, tracing his chest, his hips, his thighs, and then gently moving under his shirt, as if to make the touch more intimate.
They were the one to pull away this time, and they offered him a smile, speaking softly. "You're gorgeous. Incredibly gorgeous." Wil stared at them, dumbfounded that they had taken such an interest in him, and he turned his eyes away from them to try and hide his blush.
"I...Well, thank you..."
In truth, he had never heard a compliment like that, he had never been treated in such a genuinely loving manner. But he couldn't think of their words for very long, because they spoke up again. "Je veux couvrir ton corps de baisers..." He easily recognized the language to be French, but he couldn't translate it on his own.
They saw the confusion on his face, and without missing a beat, leaned in to whisper the translation to him - "I want to cover your body with kisses." - before gently kissing his across his jaw, and down his neck, the feeling causing his breath to catch in his throat. "Will you let me...?" He didn't have to think, he just nodded to them, giving them permission to do as they wished.
This certainly wasn't how Wilford expected to spend his Friday night, but one could argue that this was much, much better.

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