Story Ten

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Y'all really like this shit for some reason??? Idk why but here's another one for you. I wanna try and do a Q&A with you all, so if you got any questions (about the headcanons I have for Dark and Wil, or just for myself in general) leave them in the comments for me to answer!
They saw it in the mirror that morning, a folded sheet of paper shoved into the corner as if trying to stay hidden from the world. They were just getting ready for the day, combing their messy hair as best they could, brushing their teeth, straigtning their suit, doing all they could to look as presentable as possible, despite looking the same as every other day.
It was addressed to them, their name written in bold pink letters, in messy cursive. A note. Normally, Dark would have just shoved the paper into their suit pocket and make their way to the kitchen, get their coffee, hide in their office to finish some wearisome paperwork. But, they recognized the handwriting. Only one man could scribble as sloppily as that, and only one man was brave enough to doodle little hearts all over the folded paper. Wilford.
They would be lying if they said that imagining Wilford waking up so early to hide a sweet little note in their bathroom didn't make them smile, and their curiosity was getting the best of them. So, they unfolded the paper, and sure enough Wilford had signed his name in big, sparkly letters right at the bottom. They didn't have a doubt that it was him, but seeing the name had their dull face lighting up like a child's on Christmas morning.
"My lovely Dark,
I'm leaving you this note because I couldn't help but think of you. We see each other every day, for hours, but I can't stop my mind from racing.
You are the best part of my day, of my life, and it's an honor to be yours. I hope that this silly letter can make you smile, you always seem so dreary in the mornings.
I'll be downstairs making you the best breakfast I can, come see me when you wake up!
With love,
It was short and sweet, just as Dark had expected. Their partner wasn't the best with words, and they were sure just this little note took him quite a while to write - all these big fancy letters and descriptions weren't really his style. They knew he had only written like that to impress them, and it was actually quite heartwarming.
They tucked the note in their suit pocket, being careful to fold it neatly so it didn't get creased or ruined as they walked. They couldn't stop the smile from spreading across their face, the light tinge of grey warming their cheeks. How could a man like this have a drop of darkness in his soul? How could anyone see someone so bubbly, so kindhearted, and want anything other then his happiness?
The moment they made it downstairs, they found a meal across the dining room table, pancakes, muffins, eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, anything you could think of was sprawled out on plates, with another little note card in the center. Once again, written by Wilford.
They would have easily sat down and started eating, but there was no way they could enjoy all this alone - not only because they couldn't finish it, but because they believed Wil deserved to relax with them. They expected him to pop out of the kitchen with that sugary sweet smile, to wrap his arms around their neck and stand up tall to press a kiss to their cheek...But the man was missing.
Perhaps he had gone to work at his studio, or he was working on another silly surprise for them...Or maybe he was asleep on the couch behind them. They hadn't noticed him at first, curled up with pen and paper in hand, attempting to write them another note, but when they did see him, all they could do was beam with joy.
He had worked much to hard this morning, they decided, and instead of eating alone and getting to work, Dark lifted the sleeping angel into their arms. They watched with delight as he curled against their chest, hiding his face away and smiling in content, and then moved as slowly as they could up the stairs again, careful not to wake him.
They would repay him with as much affection as he could handle, a lazy day in bed, a massage when he woke up, perhaps a bath, and maybe they could treat him to dinner as well. It was what he deserved, after all.
They laid him down on their bed, taking the pen and paper from his hand and deciding to write their own note.
"My dearest cherub,
Thank you for all you have given me this morning. The note you left me was enough to make my day, and your offer of breakfast was very kind.
I would like to spoil you when you awaken, my love, so please don't go anywhere. You deserve to be repaid in the most extravagant of ways, and I will not rest until I see that wonderful smile.
Your hard work will not go unnoticed, I will be here the moment you wake.
Forever yours,

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