Chapter 11: The Vlog

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~Addison's POV~

The silence in my bedroom is broken by the sound of my phone buzzing on my dresser. I get up and place my guitar on the bed before checking my phone.

Ian the sexy man beast:

I giggle at the name he put in my phone a few days ago before continuing on to reading his message.

"Hey don't forget I'm picking you up in an hour to bring you over to help plan out Anthony's bday party. Oh and don't forget to watch the new wulas vid!!!!"

Crap! I totally did forgot about him picking me up. And I forgot about the WULAS video too. Man, playing guitar really does get my mind off things.

I look over at my laptop on my desk and sigh. I guess I've put off watching this video long enough. It's not exactly that I don't want to watch the video itself, it's just that I'm scared of what their subscribers will think of me. The comments section of the video is scarier than the video itself.

I take slow steps towards my desk finally deciding it's time to just watch the video and get it over with. I sit down at the stool by my desk and whip out my small laptop pulling up My laptop was one of the more important things that I took with me after I left Dylan. (Besides my guitar of course.) I'm so glad that I didn't forget about it or leave it behind.

My foot taps and shakes anxiously as I wait for the video to load up. It takes all of my willpower to not give in and just read the comments before I watch the entire video.

The video finally loads up and the first face that I see is Kalel's. "Hey guys! So this is going to be a very special video today. I'm going to introduce you to our old friend, Addi!" She points the camera towards me. "Say hi or something."

"Hi or something." I say awkwardly waving my hand at the camera looking like a huge dork.

"Addi here, first off, is my bestie," she says slinging her arm around my shoulder "but she's been friends with Ian and Anthony since, like, the beginning of high school. It's crazy how long they've all been friends, and I'm sure most of you smoshers out there know that Ian and Anthony have been friends since 6th grade so that's super crazy too. So ummm yeah. We love Addi, and we know you guys are gonna love her too!"

Oh no, I already look stupid this early on in the video! I keep blushing every time Kalel turns the camera on me, and I act all awkward and stuff.

I watch the video the rest of the way through mentally hitting myself each time I do something goofy or awkward, then I go to the dreaded comments. I prepare myself for the hate. I already know they won't like me. I was acting weird the entire video even though I warmed up to the camera after a while.

I scroll down the page and brace myself for the first comment, but what I see isn't what I had expected. All I see are nice comments. "that Addi chick is adorable" "you 4 are hilarious together" "have the Addi girl in more videos!!!! :D" and surprisingly a lot of comments about my voice during the part of the video where I sang that song in the car, but even more than that I see people comment asking if I'm Ian's "secret girlfriend" or about how cute we would look together if we were dating.

I feel my cheeks heat up, probably blushing. I didn't expect all these positive comments about me. I just figured they would hate me as much as I hate myself I guess.

As I scroll further through the comments I notice mentions of twitter, tumblr, and this reoccurring word 'ianthony'. I click a link from tumblr and it automatically pulls up a new tab. My hand flies to my mouth as I gasp at what shows before me. There's a picture of Ian and Anthony spooning on my bed at my old house. The picture looks like it was taken a few years back in high school. I squint as I attempt to read the tiny caption underneath the photo. That's when I notice my twitter handle.

"@amiller182: What cute boyfriends"

What the heck!? I'm not sure if I should be concerned, or freaked out, or mad, but right now the only thing I can think to do is laugh my ass off.

I must have posted that years ago! How on earth did they find my old twitter? Their fans are crazy! What did they do, try to stalk me on social media sites and stumble upon this? Good grief, these fans are dedicated. No wonder Ian and Anthony love them so much.

As I scroll further through this 'tumblr website' I quickly notice that people have taken screenshots of my old tweets and put them on here.

I read a post by a blogger "Well I tried to look up Addy or Addi (however you spell it) Miller on twitter, but couldn't find anybody who looked like her. Then I scrolled through who Ian and Anthony are following and found a girl named Addison Miller. This is definitely her, the pictures look exactly like her. Her twitter handle is @amiller182."

Ohh, so that must be how they found my twitter.

"guys look at these tweets. Addi is seriously the cutest person ever. she's so sweet you cant even find anything bad about her on her twitter" another post says making me all jittery again. I can't believe how much they genuinely like me. I can't wrap my head around it. Why? Well, whatever the reason is, I couldn't be more grateful for it. I'm so relieved. I haven't found one bad thing said about me yet, and that is extremely surprising.

I scroll on further and notice this reappearing word "Addian". It takes me only a few more minutes to realize that the word is Ian and I's names merged together as our "couple name" or I guess what they call a "ship name." There are these edits they made of him and I from the photos off of my twitter, and I have to admit they are pretty cute. It just boggles my mind as to how they find all this stuff out about me and have already create all these "ship" things in less than twenty four hours.

It looks like I have a lot to research.

~~~~~~AN: Wow, hey there! Remember me? I'm that piece of shit writer. Yeah... now you remember. So I'm grounded. Of course. And I didn't upload on time. Of course. And this was a disappointment for a chapter. Of course. And this book has went downhill. Of course.

And I'm incredibly sorry for that.

I hate it that I keep promising you guys all this shit and I can never follow through with it. I hate it that I don't write as much as I used to. I hate it that I may delete this book.

I'm really sorry.

This book sucks. I'm sorry. Everything I do sucks. I'm sorry. I'm so so so incredibly sorry. I don't deserve your votes at all. I'm sorry.

It's just that I can't even keep myself together, let alone a book. I doubt it that it will ever get finished. I'm not proud of what I write anymore. I'm not proud of anything that I do anymore. I'm a really shitty person and writer. I'm sorry.

I do have another chapter ready though. And I wouldn't blame you if you didn't check it out. The next chapter isn't very good either. None of the chapters in this book are good. I'm sorry.

I guess I just feel like I still owe it to whoever may be reading.

Thank you if you're even still here. Sorry that I haven't been here, and may not be soon. Thank you for giving me your kind words in the past. I am forever grateful. I'm so sorry.

And sorry for the profanity too, I guess.

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