Part Three: In which 10-24 Learns the Meaning of Loyalty

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Like most citizens that live here in the Planet of Wrought I learn that Hobi himself is a criminal. The apothecary serves as a front to an intergalactic chop shop that he manages with six other colleagues that are away on business. After introductions he ushers us into the back room and sits us around a table to converse away from prying ears.

A few minutes go by without a word as Hobi passes out mugs of hot sweet tea. San and Mingi sit together while Yunho and Hobi are on either side of me on the opposite side. I sniff my mug and take a slow sip. The liquid is herbal and sweet with honey.

"This tea is very good." I say breaking the silence.

Hobi gives me a carefree smile. "It's a special blend of mine that I reserve for occasions like this. Have a cracker too they have the same blend of herbs." He pushes a plate towards me and I take one.

Another fifteen seconds pass as San nervously twirls a spoon in his mug and Mingi studies a spot on the table he finds particularity fascinating.

"What do you guys need?" Yunho finally asks. "You didn't come all this way just to have tea and crackers."

Mingi sighs and looks up at Yunho through the steam rising from his mug. "How long do you plan on hiding out here?"

San elbows Mingi in the side glaring at him. "Aish Mingi!"

The tension in the room is palpable. San shifts uncomfortably and Hobi looks away sipping on his tea. Yunho's jaw tightens and he regards San and Mingi through narrowed eyes. "I wasn't aware I was hiding from anything." He says darkly. "You know I can't go back with you."

The room falls silent again and I look back and forth between everyone.

"Are you physically unable to return?" I ask Yunho.

Yunho stiffens at my words and at my side I hear Hobi make an odd strangling noise. "Why don't we go find you something more suitable to wear?" Hobi suggests and pulls me away from the table. "I'm starving to death and would love to take you out to eat and you can't very well walk around the city without a disguise." He babbles.

We exit the room before anyone else can protest and he drags me up a small set of stairs up to the second floor. We enter a short hallway and he marches us to the end of it pushing me through a door.

The room is small but tidy. There's a bed up against the far wall in front large windows overlooking the streets below. A single stuffed horse plushie is nestled amongst the pillows atop a green bed spread. A large wardrobe takes up one wall and books sit in haphazard stacks in almost every corner.

"This is where the magic happens." Hobi says with a wink and makes his way over to the wardrobe.

I continue to stand in the doorway until Hobi notices and beckons me over. I walk over and stand beside him as he starts sifting through clothing.

"You really don't know how to read a room do you?" Hobi asks me with a playful grin. "You're lucky I stepped in and saved your life back there."

I do not understand in what way my life was endangered but nod my head in understanding. "Thank you Hobi." I say gratefully.

He chuckles and turns back to the task at hand. "Too flashy...too sexy...not sexy enough.." He mumbles under his breath as he searches for options for me to wear. "There it is!" He exclaims excitedly causing me to start.

He pushes an outfit into my arms. "This is the one. It's gonna look great on you I promise." He gives me a thumbs up. I look down at the sunset colored cloth and back up at Hobi. "How did you acquire so much women's clothing?" I ask him.

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