Part Four: In which 10-24 Has More Questions Than Answers

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                  Eventually we found our way back through the winding streets and at the front of the apothecary. Loud voices coming from inside the shop made both Yunho and I give pause. We exchanged a worried look between each other and entered.

                 Inside we find a man who's angrily shouting at Hobi behind the counter. His back is to us and he doesn't seem to notice us as we make our way inside.

"I can't believe this. I leave you to watch after the store for me and I come back to find all hell has broken loose! Did you seriously drug Hongjoong's men?" He sighs and places his hands on his hips.

Yunho strides forward smiling and claps the man on the shoulder. "Monster how did the trade go?"

            The man named Monster turns and looks at Yunho. He smiles warmly, dimples showing, and pulls him into a hug. "Thank goodness you're alright Yunho. I heard from San and Mingi about what happened, or what they remember anyways." He shoots a downtrodden Hobi a withering glare. Then he snaps his fingers and adds. "I've got some rare pieces I got a killer deal on that I'm excited to show you."

Monster seems to be about the same age as Hobi but exudes an air of authority among the men. He has a sweet smile and speaks excitedly to Yunho with an almost brotherly affection. I sidestep around Yunho and nod my head.

             Hobi looks up and spots me. A huge smile breaks out on his face and he hops down from his stool to run to my side. "Ten! I'm so happy you're okay!" I see that he now has a swollen black eye.

"Are you able to see out of that eye?"

              Hobi gingerly reaches up and touches it. "It'll be fine. As mad as San was I was surprised he stopped after one punch." Then he looks around as if to make sure San doesn't overhear. "He is so scary Ten..." He whispers teary eyed.

"It is good to see you're alright. I calculated that San would've done much worse."

"Believe me when I say I was merciful." From the back San and Mingi joined us. Mingi bowed with eyes glancing between all of us and San looked at everyone but Hobi.

"How long are you going to be pissed at me?" Hobi asked San who crossed his arms and continued to ignore him. "I am older than you San. You're being very disrespectful..." Hobi began. San seemed to take the bait.

"Why should I respect someone who clearly has no respect for anyone else?" He growled.

"You're so cute! You know I was a lot like you when I was you're age!" Hobi reached over and pinched San's cheek. San yelled and tried swatting him away but Hobi grabbed San wrists and pulled him in a headlock instead.

"You got a good hit in. Can we be even now?" Hobi asked while struggling to hold him. Even through his anger I saw San's mouth quirk into a smile. "Hitting you felt pretty damn good, Hoseok. I wouldn't mind getting to do that again."

          Then San swept Hobi's feet out from under him. In a moment San grabbed onto him and gained the upper hand. San now had Hobi with his arms pinned above his head. He laughed and made Hobi smack himself in the face with his own hand. He enjoyed it so much he made Hobi do it four more times.

"Stop it San!" Smack. "I said I was sorry!" Smack. "I thought we all had a good time!" Smack. Smack. Hobi was red faced and flustered and the three other men watched on in amusement.

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