Part Fifteen: In Which 10-24 Is Betrayed By Those She Trusts

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                             ~Hongjoong's POV~

After leaving behind the bright lights of the club Illusion we travelled to the outskirts of Hala Hala along with Yuyaga and more of his armed guards. The stadium where the death match would be held was already was filled to capacity with thousands of bloodthirsty onlookers. The sounds of their cheers and the crunching of metal against metal drowned out the rest of the world as we reached it's outside walls.

We saw the end result of the fight as the ring came into view. Two hulking giants of steam and steel were locked in a deadly embrace. One had both arms plunged into the chest of the other, metal claws protruding from the back dripping in black oil like blood. With a screech it pulled the entire suit apart, setting off an explosion that sent the winning fighter crashing into a corner that shook the stands. Aquacerians near us rose to their feet screaming in either exaltation or defeat as the winning EXO pilot was announced over the speakers.

The smoking EXO suit sat in the corner of the ring as two guards pried away it's armor to recover the pilot inside. When the plate fell away I caught sight of the victor as he was pulled from the wreckage and escorted off of the killing floor. A couple guards half carried his limp bleeding form away from the battle torn EXO suit.

The victor's master would be paid an exorbitant amount of gold while the victor may not even survive the night. Whether they were drowning in debt or looking for ways to pay for their vices there was always a master there ready to take advantage of any soul's plight. That was the way these battles were always fought. Upon the backs of those fueled by enough desperation that they felt they had no other choice.

Rarely did these pilots fight for the sport of it.

The losing pilot wailed in the ring crawling in the mud on his hands and knees. He was badly injured and didn't have the strength it took to stand. His EXO suit had been obliterated, scorched rubble littering the ring and burning up the air in towering flames.

Cheers from the crowds now turned into a death chants as the pilot's master entered the ring. He was beside himself with fury at the loss as he clasped the long blade he held out in front of him. The pilot saw the master approaching and tried in vain to get to his feet, stumbling back to the ground. Two guards came at him from both sides of the ring and restrained him so he had no chance of escape.

The chanting grew in intensity as the master neared the pilot lifting the weapon high into the air to strike him down. I closed my eyes unable to watch the inevitable as I heard the blade sliced through the air cutting the pilot's scream short. The crowds thundered their appreciation in response.

When I looked over at my men I noticed most had looked away from the sight. All except for Yeosang. His gaze never wavered as he stared right into the ring.


I felt sick to my stomach at the idea of Yeosang fighting for his life. So sick that I would trade anything in the world for it to be me in his place instead. Guilt ate away at me at the possibility of losing him and ultimately Jongho too.

They depended on me and I've failed them both.

These thoughts buzzed through my mind as we all sat in the hold of the stadium, the thunderous chants and stamping of thousands of feet out in the stands was overwhelming.

Yeosang appeared calm and collected as Yoongi, another one of Monster's men, helped him suit up. Yeosang stripped down completely, his naked skin showing scars from past battles he had managed to survive. A long one stretched from his calf up his thigh from his first fight he won when he was only fifteen, another wound down his spine from the last he had ever fought in, the one that very nearly claimed his life. Yeosang stepped into a skin tight suit which Yoongi zipped up from the back. Then Monster's friend worked silently as he snapped pieces of body armor onto my navigator.

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