Chapter 2

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Ten minutes later, Twilight was on her way to Central Canterlot. She needed a place to cool down, and no place was better for that than Canterlot's Library of Magic. Before Twilight could climb the stairs, she caught a glimpse of the fountain in front of the building and a clear memory entered her mind.

"Hey, Twi! How 'bout a duel?" A filly Rune called, lowering her chest to the ground.
Twilight pretended to think about it before assuming a similar position. "You got it, Roony."
"Hey! You know I hate that name!"

The two ponies got into place, facing away from each other. They both took 10 strides forward. Canterlot wasn't particularly busy that day, so only one or two ponies had to move out of the way. This caught the attention of a small group of teenage stallions.

Twilight lifted her chin up. "Ready?"
"Yep." Rune poised her body.
"Duel!" Twilight roared.

As Rune went to turn around, Twilight's spell hit Rune right in the chest, flooring her. Then, Rune was uncontrollably crying of laughter.
"New spell I learned, tickles your enemy senseless!" Twilight said pridefully, standing over the defeated filly.

As Twilight went to help Rune up, the teens chipped in. "Wow, that weird purple one's awful, can't even block a baby spell!" one said in uproarious laughter.
Rune immediately shook off the spell and marched up to the bullies, despite Twilight's attempts to hold her back.

"Hey, say you're sorry!" She yelled.

The tallest unicorn stepped forward, his horn glowing. "Nah. What're you gonna do, little filly? Tickle me to death?"
A light blue aura of magic pulled hard on Rune's tail. A second later, she was punted into the fountain, which sent the teenagers into hysterics.
"Give up while you're still ahead, kid." Another said, earning another round of laughter from his friends.

Twilight's nose twitched at the memory. The day after wasn't pretty, either.

She had asked Shining Armor to come with her that day.

"Rune? You in there?" Twilight went to knock again, then Rune swung open the door with a small tub of ice cream in tow.

"What is it, Twilight? Can't you see I'm trying to eat my feelings here?" She said, eating another spoonful.
"I came to-- wait, where'd you get that?"
"Stole it from the freezer. I wanna forget yesterday."
"I know, I just wanted to say, I--"
"Forget it, Twi. I don't wanna hear it." Rune said with tears in her eyes, closing the door on Twilight.
Shining Armor pulled Twilight close. "Maybe tomorrow, Twily."

And he said that day in, day out for a solid two weeks afterward.

Twilight tried to shake the memory out of her mind and recounted everything that happened today to distract herself. Spike almost burned down the library with his sneezing this morning, Fluttershy offered to take care of him and Owlowiscious for the day, she got on the train to Canterlot, met up with Rune and just had a pretty bad fight with her.
"I just wish she believed in herself more. Maybe she wouldn't pull these stunts," Twilight thought to herself, wandering over to a gold fence. "I mean, she's a published author, for pony's sake. What does she have to prove?" She debated the question in her head, leaning over the fence.
"Careful, ma'am." A guard warned.
Twilight forced a small smile without looking at the guard, miles away in her head. The guard raised an eyebrow, then shrugged lightly.
"Maybe I should head back soon, she's probably calmed down by now," Twilight thought. "Well, maybe not. She obviously worked hard on that spell. Gotta make it up to her."
Back at the Canterlot marketplace, Twilight scanned the area for the nearest bakery. Suddenly, an idea sprung to mind. 'The Leafy Café' Twilight thought to herself. Rune's favorite place, really. Outside of her own home.

"That'll be 6 bits, ma'am." Said the unicorn behind the counter, then he leaned forward. "Wait just an apple-pickin' minute. Are you that Twilight gal Rune's always on about?"
"Uh, yep, that's me!" Twilight smiled. "You must be Biscuit Bit."
"Ooh, so she's told you all about me, has she? I hope her description didn't disappoint," Biscuit said, trying to smooth out his frizzy brown mane. He then looked over the basket, half-frowning. "Apple bakes, huh? She's not upset, is she?"
Twilight started fidgeting on the spot and darted her eyes across the room. She put the money down and grabbed the basket with her magic. "Uh, I gotta go! Nice to meet you!"
Biscuit went to say something, but Twilight was already out the door.
"I just hope she hasn't destroyed that library." Twilight thought to herself, making her way to the marketplace.
The ever-recognizable twinkles and fizzes of magic caught Twilight's ear and seemed to be coming from the west – Rune's house.

Twilight picked up her pace as the sound got louder. She knocked on Rune's door and waited for a minute. No answer. She then rapped on the door several times. Nothing.
"Rune, if you don't answer, I'm barging in!" Still no reply.
Twilight backed up slowly and dropped the basket. As she charged down the door, it gave way and popped out of the frame. Twilight quickly got up and whipped her head around the room, looking for a direction of the noise.
Then, Rune grunted pretty loudly from upstairs.
The louder sounds of fizzling and sparks led Twilight to a door at the end of the hallway on the second floor. Tiny beams of pink light shone through the cracks and low groans could be heard.

Twilight tried jigging the lock, but it wouldn't budge. In a panic, she rendered the door to splinters with a blast of magic.

The sight was unlike anything Twilight had ever seen before. Rune was floating in front of a scroll, all surrounded by a blinding white aura.
"Rune? What in Equestria are you doing?!" Twilight yelled.
Rune's eyes flew open, the sclera glowing. The next thing Twilight knew, she was standing on purple and pink checkered grass. Hills of impossible heights and shapes surrounded her, while several huts and trees were floating on islands; as if they had been ripped out of the ground.

Rune was spread out on the ground, unable to get up. She groaned "What happened? Where's the--"
Twilight grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her violently. "What in Celestia's name have you done, you crazy mare?!"
"Ouch, could you not, Twily? My head hurts."
Twilight started breathing deeply and quickly sighed, letting go of Rune, who scrambled to a nearby scroll. "Listen, whatever you just did, undo it. Now."
Rune stammered "Twilight, I can't! I..." Rune sheepishly wrung the scroll in her hooves. "I may have taken us back in time."

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