Chapter 5

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"Do the thing!" Rune managed to shriek.

The warm daylight of Canterlot suddenly cut to a bitter darkness. Ponyville's lights could be seen very clearly from this high.

A few seconds later, the world around them began to change while they were still falling. Roads and trees slowly turned into unpaved grass as the sky become so blurred it was impossible to tell whether it was night or day.

Rune grabbed onto Twilight and tried to teleport to the ground. She strained and strained her horn.


They were just a few feet off the ground.

It was clearly day now. Twilight opened her eyes and started screaming, too. As Rune said a silent prayer, Twilight flattened out her body and cast a bubble shield around them both, making for a rough but safe landing.

Rune took a second to get her bearings. "Sweet Celestia, that was nuts."

"What happened, Rune? I thought you were gonna break our landing!"

"You know how I am with stuff like that! You're not being--"

In the corner of Twilight's eye, the princesses were staring up at the mountain where Canterlot should be. She tackled Rune behind a rock and carefully eyed the princesses.

"Hm, perhaps we build it onto the side?" Celestia turned to Luna.

"Sister, please. That is impractical. One suggests having it built on the peak." Luna gestured to the top, earning a grimace from Celestia.
"Imagine it, sister. A practical vantage point, far away from any grounded foes. Perfect for the capital of this 'Equestria' of... ours."
Celestia furrowed her brows. As she went to say something, a nearby twig snapping caught her ear.

"Rune!" Twilight harshly whispered.
Rune peered up from behind the rock and immediately ducked back down when the princesses approached them.

"Show yourself." said Celestia. The tone was quietly menacing.

Rune and Twilight sheepishly came out from behind the rock.

"What are you doing here? We didn't invite guests," Luna said in an impersonal tone.

"We just... we..." Twilight trailed off.
"Wanted to say that we have, uh, concerns for the new rulers of Equestria!" Rune interjected, earning a light smack from Twilight.

Celestia and Luna exchanged looks. "You mean to tell us that you followed us to the middle of nowhere, just to voice your concerns?" Luna asked.

Rune gulped. "Yes...?"

Celestia sat down and motioned for everyone to do the same. "Then this must be worth talking about."

A few minutes later, Luna and Celestia were talking moreso with each other as Rune and Twilight sat back.

Luna leaned up against Celestia. "It's just- you've always wanted to lead this place in your way and you've never listened to what I think."

"But, I do!" Celestia put a hoof over Luna. "Sister, please. I never meant to make you feel that way."

"Well, you did." Luna put on a weak smile. Celestia smiled back.

"I'm sorry, sister. We really need to work through this, don't we?"

Luna nodded. The princesses both got up and flared their wings.

"Thank you, ponies. We truly needed that talk." Celestia said. "We'll send someone to take our place in the meantime." The two alicorns then took flight.

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