Chapter 7

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She could’ve been there for hours, days or even weeks; The darkness made it impossible to tell. Twilight just sat in the small, cold room until she heard a male voice shout “Alright you two, you know the drill. Check the shed.”
The chatter between two ponies grew closer to Twilight as she desperately tried to think of a way to hide.

“I don't get why we gotta check this ancient thing every day.” Another unicorn murmured in agreement as the door creaked open. “Like, what does she expect us to fi-" The stallion and Twilight stared at each other in a moment of bewilderment and pure intrigue.
"Maybe that," the other stallion said.
The first guard whacked the other upside the head and yelled "Thorn, I think we found her!”
Heavy and fast hoofsteps made Twilight’s heart race and had her backing up against the wall. A brown stallion with shaggy white hair peered through the door and glared at Twilight. “Bring her to the throne room. The queen’s been waiting for this one.”
Twilight felt her heart in her throat as the three stallions escorted her out of the brick shed and into a hellscape. Anything on the ground resembling grass was black and brown. She walked past guards who looked barely strong enough to stand, some of them having indescribable injuries and wounds. When Twilight tried to slow down to approach a particularly injured guard, her escorts shoved her into the castle.
Laughter echoed throughout the chambers. One that sounded too familiar to Twilight. It made her blood run cold. Eventually, the laughter died down and turned into muffled chatter.
Eventually, she was led to a large set of ornate doors. The two stallions on either side of Twilight opened each door as the third stallion prodded her with his weapon.
“Welcome back, Twilight. You like what I’ve done with the place?” a voice said, descending into maniacal laughter. Twilight hesitantly looked up, tearful. At the sight of Rune, she couldn’t help but back up, which earned her a heavy shove from the guard behind her.
“Dismissed.” Rune said with a strange authority in her voice. Every pony left the room until there was only Rune and Twilight. Rune's mane was even messier than usual; matted, as a matter of fact. Instead of her usual necklace, she was wearing royal jewellery that didn't fit right.
As Twilight struggled to get up, Rune lit up several scones at once with her magic. The corners of the throne room made Twilight’s stomach flip over several times. In one corner, Princess Luna stood, encased in crystal. In the opposite corner, Princess Celestia had her hoof held out mid-flinch. Her face showed a type of fear that Twilight had never seen before and it made her sick.
“I knew you’d be wondering what happened while you were gone." Rune said.
“For starters, you’ve already seen what has became of the, uh,” Rune chuckled. "Princesses."
Twilight could only stare in absolute awe and horror.
"I absorbed their magic centuries ago. And might I say, it ages like a fine wine." Rune looked thoughtful. "Those boring lessons with Starswirl really paid off back then."
Twilight shook her head and finally spoke. “Rune wouldn’t do this. What monster turned you into this- this tyrant?”
“Tyrant, hm? It was no ‘monster’, Twilight. Unless you count yourself.” Rune walked around the throne room, admiring the many statues and decorations. “Honestly, it’s been so long I almost forgot why I even did this. What today means.”
“What is this meant to mean, Rune? You're abusing your guards, for pony's sake!"
“Abuse? Guards step out of line all the time, Twilight. I doubt you would understand that.” Rune looked directly at Twilight, a smile curling on her lips.
"Anyway, the entire cause of all of this..." Rune hopped off her throne. “Is you."

"Me?! I don’t--” Twilight began.
“Well, let’s see. Back when we were fillies, you got into magic school when I didn’t. Celestia took you under her wing, and she made you leave Canterlot for some silly errand she could’ve easily solved herself." Rune looked over to Princess Luna, who stared back. "What’s more, you chose to stay there. You chose your new ‘friends’ over me. Was I not good enough for you, Twilight?” Twilight caught a glimpse of a tear forming in Rune’s eye.
A dead silence filled the air. Twilight barley felt the ability to speak. “I’m sorry that I had to leave, Rune. But you know I-”
“How do you justify choosing to stay there, Twilight? You chose some ponies you hardly even knew over me!" Rune slammed her hooves into the ground, shattering the crystal floor beneath her.

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