Chapter 6

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Over the next few weeks, Rune and Twilight became Starswirl's apprentices. The other Pillars often helped with training sessions and brought them along on smaller battles.

Twilight and Rune became well-acquianted with everyone. Well, almost everyone.

Rune was in the middle of a sparring session with Rockhoof one day. Then, she noticed a skinny, grey unicorn walk in and sit on a nearby bench.

"Thas Stygian. He's our scribe 'round here." Rockhoof said in his thick accent, gesturing at the frail unicorn furiously scratching at the parchment with his quill.

Stygian gave Rune a menacing glare for just a moment, but it was enough for her to notice.

After the endurance training with Rockhoof, Rune approached Stygian.

"What's your problem?" Rune said.

"Nothing, really. Apart from how they waste their time trying to train someone as incomptetant as you."

"Incompetant?" Rune flinched.

"Why yes, of course." Stygian's grin was smug. "At least I can actually cast most of my spells. Did you start using that horn yesterday?"

Rune's voice was shaky as her jaw tensed. "Most of the spells you cast are probably just for holding that dinky quill of yours."

Stygian narrowed his glance. "You have no idea what I'm capable of, filly."

Rune widened her stance as her expression turned grim. "Then why don't you show me, you little-"

Before Rune could finish, a spell threw her to the floor. Twilight and the rest of the Pillars rushed into the room.

"Rune! Are you OK?" Twilight tried to help Rune up.

Rune winced when she tried to move.

"Stygian? Did you do this?" Flash Magnus asked as he helped Rune to her hooves.

Stygian then looked frantically between them all. "Wha- Well- I..."
He then backed into the wall as he pursed his lips. He then gave everyone a stern look as he put a hoof down. "Yes. I did."

"Then you must leave." Starswirl marched into the room. "If you are going to attack our members without just cause, you are a danger to us."

"But, she--"

Starswirl raised his hoof. "No 'but's, Stygian! Leave."

Stygian clearly shed a tear as he turned his back on them all. Just
as he went to open the door, he turned around to stare right at Rune. "You will face retribution unlike anything the world has ever seen, Rune Forge. I swear on it."

Later that night, Rune snuck out from her shared quarters with Twilight and disappeared into the forest. She weaved through all the trees until she found the pond. She found the patch of grass shaped by her body over the last few days and quietly observed the gentle ebbs and flows of the pond.

Then, Twilight squeezed through some nearby trees. "What're you doing, Rune?"

"Can't sleep. Again."

Twilight slid up next to Rune and stared at the pond.

"I can't help but feel guilty, Twi."

"Hey, he hurt you, remember?"

"Not that. I'm talking about all this. Why we're here, and not home."

Twilight looked at Rune and raised an eyebrow.

"Why haven't we just been taken to present day, yet?"

"I don't know." Twilight mumbled.
Twilight stared at the pond. The occasional drop of water would disturb the entire surface for a while, and then it would return to being almost still. Then Twilight looked up and said "Oh."

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