High school Exams

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This is my first Naruto fanfic so don't judge if it doesn't sound good at first it will get better! Now I don't own Naruto just Sonia and Selene.

Updated 8/19/23


A young girl, poised at a height of approximately 5 feet and 4 inches, graced the threshold of the well-lit classroom. Cascading down her back was a curtain of ebony black hair, while her eyes held a captivating hue that danced between shades of deep green and serene blue. The very air seemed to shimmer with anticipation on this pivotal day, the occasion where all the 8th-grade students would undertake their examinations, their hopeful gateway to higher education. A symphony of nerves and excitement played within her as she gracefully pivoted, her attention swayed by the gentle beckoning of a voice that pulled her gaze rearward.

"Hey, are you ready for the exams, Sonia?" Her words, infused with a subtle Russian accent, wove a tapestry of camaraderie and support. The speaker, a friend hailing from distant lands yet intertwined in the tapestry of her life, had sought her gaze, beckoning with both inquiry and encouragement.

A delicate curve graced Sonia's lips, a tender blossom of a smile that carried a world of unspoken sentiments. In stature, she stood a touch more diminutive than her companion, a mere fraction below the five-foot-one mark. A cascade of auburn splendor, reminiscent of sunsets and ember, adorned her shoulders, each strand seeming to tell a story of its own. Her gaze, a warm and deep brown, held both comfort and understanding within its depths, a mirror to the emotions that stirred within her.

Their paths had converged on that fateful first day of middle school, an intersection of lives that had rippled with significance ever since. The catalyst for their meeting had been an unpleasant encounter, a remnant of immaturity and cruelty manifest in the form of a boy who had targeted Selene. Etched in Sonia's memory like an indelible masterpiece, that moment remained vivid, painting emotions upon the canvas of her mind as if it had just transpired yesterday.

'Hey! Shortie.' The words dripped with a cruel sneer, a jagged edge of mockery aimed at Selene as if to puncture her spirit.

'Did Russia kick you out of their country because you're too small?' The second boy chimed in, his taunt laden with a twisted amusement that sought to diminish rather than entertain.

A soft sniffle escaped Selene, the gentle sound a testament to the resilience that wavered within her. Her response, a hesitant 'N..No,' trembled through the air, her vulnerability palpable as she navigated the jagged terrain of their scorn.

A plea, tender yet firm, rose from her lips like a fragile melody. 'Please let me pass.. I have to go to homeroom..' The plea, though gentle, was an assertion of her right to traverse this domain unharmed, to step through the corridors of education without fear.

The response she received was an undignified shove, a forceful dismissal of her request. 'I don't think so!' The speaker's retort held an undertone of aggression, an ominous foreshadowing of what was to come.

Gravity played its role as Selene's body met the unyielding ground, the impact robbing her breath and dignity in equal measure. Her book bag yielded to the fall, its contents bursting forth like an unwitting confetti of knowledge.

Laughter, harsh and hollow, swirled around the scene, the two boys closing in like vultures sensing vulnerability in their prey.

'Shit!' The expletive tore from one boy's lips, an anguished cry as a sudden impact disrupted the narrative they had orchestrated. Pain radiated from the point of contact, a rock finding its target.

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