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Kihyun closed his eyes, resting his head on Shownu's chest. He yawned slightly and smiled. "Hm.. I'm going to sleep.." he said softly. Shownu chuckled and nodded, gently laying Kihyun down on the bed and then laying down next to him, wrapping his arms around him. He smiled and pecked his cheek gently. Kihyun blushed and buried his face into Shownu's chest.

Jooheon sighed slightly and closed the door. Minhyuk tilted his head slightly as he looked at Jooheon. "Are you okay?" Minhyuk asked quietly. "Of course.. I just feel like cuddling someone, so just let me cuddle you." He said softly with a smile. He lifted Minhyuk up and carried him to his bedroom to cuddle him.

Shownu waited for Kihyun to fall asleep before he stood up. He sighed slightly and walked out of the room, going outside to get some fresh air. He opened the door and walked out, taking a deep breath. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes for a while. Soon he felt something against his leg. He opened his eyes and looked down, noticing that it was a small black kitten. The kitten looked up at Shownu, meowing cutely. Shownu sighed slightly and leaned down, picking the kitten up. The kitten moved closer, nuzzling into Shownu's neck.

Shownu soon put the kitten down gently. The kitten meowed and walked over to him, looking up at him. Shownu smiled slightly and lifted the kitten up again, walking into the house again. He took off his shoes and then walked into his room, the kitten still in his arms.

Shownu sat down on the bed and put the kitten on his lap, stroking it's black fur. The kitten closed it's eyes and got comfortable on Shownu's lap, soon falling asleep. Shownu continued stroking it's fur gently.


Kihyun woke up after a few minutes. He yawned cutely and opened his eyes, gently rubbing them. After a while he stopped and looked at Shownu's back. He smiled and sat up, crawling towards Shownu. He wrapped his arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He then looked at his lap, immediately pulling away from Shownu. "Who is that?" He asked as he tried not to sound jealous.

Shownu turned around to look at Kihyun, the small black kitten still in his arms. "I was outside and this kitten ran up to me.. and then it didn't want to leave me." Shownu said, looking at Kihyun. Kihyun lowered his ears, his tail laying on his lap. He didn't say anything and just sighed, laying down and covering himself with the blanket again. He hated to admit that he was jealous. 'I should be the only one who can sit on Shownu's lap..' he thought, pouting slightly.

Shownu chuckled slightly when he looked at the older male. "Aww, are you jealous?~" he asked teasingly. Kihyun covered his head and changed into his cat form, because he didn't want to talk with Shownu. He sat down and looked at Shownu and then black kitten. The black kitten stood up and meowed, walking towards Kihyun. Kihyun hissed slightly at the kitten and moved back, looking away.

Shownu sighed slightly as he looked at Kihyun and the kitten. He gently lifted Kihyun up and placed him on his lap, stroking his fur gently. Kihyun got comfortable on his lap and closed his eyes, loving that he was the one getting attention now. He purred and meowed cutely, leaning into Shownu's touch more. Shownu smiled and continued stroking Kihyun's fur.

The small black kitten walked towards Kihyun, meowing cutely. Kihyun opened his eyes and looked at the kitten, clearly annoyed by it's existence. Kihyun turned around, his back facing the kitten. "Hmm.. is my little white kitten jealous?~" Shownu asked teasingly.

Kihyun stood up and got off Shownu's lap, sitting down on the sheets, his back facing Shownu. Kihyun noticed that the black kitten walked towards Shownu, sitting down on his lap. Kihyun buried his face into the blanket, clearly jealous. He stood up and looked at the kitten, hissing. The kitten looked at Kihyun, kinda scared of the white cat in front of him. The kitten got off Shownu's lap, looking at Kihyun, scared. Kihyun immediately got on Shownu's lap and laid down.

Shownu sighed as he looked at the cat and the kitten. "Kihyun, don't be so rude." He said, looking at Kihyun. Kihyun looked up at Shownu and meowed, not really caring that he was rude. He just wanted Shownu to himself, he didn't want to share him with another cat. Shownu sighed again and ran his hand through his dark hair. 'I hope that the cat has an owner.. I don't want it here.. and the cats meowing is annoying.' Kihyun thought.


After a while Shownu began to hear a voice that was shouting outside. He walked over to the window and opened it slightly, looking at who it was. He heard that the person was shouting 'black' in japanese. He looked at the black kitten on the bed. 'Maybe it's his owner?' he thought, walking over to the kitten. He lifted the kitten up and carried it to the door. He slowly opened the door and put the black kitten outside. The black kitten looked around and soon immediately ran up to the person. The person smiled widely and lifted the kitten up. Shownu smiled and closed the door, going to his room again.

While Shownu was outside, Kihyun changed into his human form. He sighed slightly as he looked around, waiting for Shownu to come back. He smiled when the other male came back, without the kitten in his arms. Shownu smiled and wrapped his arms around Kihyun. "Were you jealous?" He asked as he looked at him. Kihyun turned away and blushed slightly, not answering.


I'm so glad that I updated again :D
I would really like to update more, but I'm just really lazy and I don't really have many ideas.

So, I have a question. Did any of you watch 2 moons the series? If yes, then I'm planning to make a fanfic with Kimcop c:
Bye for now~

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