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The door lead me outside, behind the club. My eyes scanned the dark streets, searching for her. Knowing she wasn't here, my eyes narrowed and I chewed on my bottom lip with my teeth.

The girl was nowhere to be seen and I mentally slapped myself for not getting to her quick enough. A sudden feeling of guilt, fear and worry weighed on my chest.

The ringing of my phone made the feeling go away, causing me to sigh. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and checked the caller ID— Grayson. I answered and put the phone to my ear.

"Are you fucking insane Ethan? Where the hell are you? Jared said you took off running out of the club!" He yelled over the phone. Does he ever stop screaming?

"Stop talking so loud while I'm trying to think." I uttered back harshly. I lost interest in the words he was yelling at me as I stared at the flickering street lights.

There was no point in me standing her mindlessly, staring into the sky. I trudged towards my car that was parked not far from where I was- turns out it wasn't my car. I stared at the car I thought was mine. The windows were blacked out, but I could see a figure was inside.

I hesitantly tapped my knuckles against the glass window. The window rolled down as the car engine turned on. I held in a gasp looking at her. Anthony, the same guy who took her from the club, had his hand pressed firmly over her mouth, silencing her screams. Her sweet, innocent eyes were glassy as I stared at her.

Panic should've have been my first emotion but it wasn't, it was anger. My face became red and I could practically feel the anger sparkling within my eyes. My breathing hitched as my jaw clenched. "You son of a bitch." I growled.

A devilish chuckle filled my ears as the car sped off with her inside.

The same feeling as before filled my chest. My feet rapidly moved my body to my car that had been parked earlier. I had to get her, I had to. Even though this idea was completely insane, I didn't stop.

I could hear Grayson's muffled voice through my phone, I completely forgot I didn't hang up on his ass. I got in the car and muttered, "I'm going to pay Anderson's men a visit."

"What? Are you crazy, Ethan?" He muttered in response, as I bolted down the street in the direction Anthony went.

"Crazy?" I asked. "Completely."

I switched my phone to loud speaker, "Don't worry about me, worry about Anderson's men."

"We're taking care of it." Grayson's hesitantly spoke. "Where are you?" He questioned like the worried mother he is.

"I'll let you know when necessary." I said easily, like I wasn't about to walk into my own death.

He didn't push me on the subject. "Idiot, he breathed. "Such a fucking idiot."

I simply chuckled.

"If you aren't back in two hours I'm assuming you're dead and I'm taking all your cars." He tells me.

I chuckled again. "Touch my cars and I'll beat your ass." This time he laughed. "Any way, we have more important things to discuss." I raked a hand through my hair.

I was no fucking psychic, i couldn't magically locate where Elliot was going to take her. I thought about it for a second. "Does Anderson still have that warehouse, on fourth street?"

He thought about it momentarily then said, "They still own it. Not sure if it's still in use though."

I chewed on the inside of my cheek. "So it's empty?" I questioned.

"As far as I know, yes." Grayson replied.

"Perfect." I grinned a lopsided grin.

"I wouldn't be so quick to make assumptions, E. You don't even know if he's there or not." Grayson piped in.

"I'm not dumb Gray, I know what I'm doing." I muttered, and with that I hung up.

I pulled up to the warehouse and flicked the headlights off. I scanned the area with wide eyes. A car was parked outside, so I quickly drove closer. I grinned with approval— it was Anthony's car.

I killed the engine and grabbed the back handgun in the glove compartment. I stepped out of the car and walked towards the entrance of the warehouse. I tucked the gun into the waistband of my pants before forcefully pulling the door open. I walked through the hollow hallway and stared at the bland ceiling and floor. Nice to see they kept this place clean.

The stairs creaked and I made my way up them. I rolled my eyes in irritation but contained it, and continued heading up. I swiftly entered through a rusty door into a fun corridor, then came to a stop. I had no idea where I was going.

As if on cue, I heard a muffled scream. My heart beat rapidly against my chest. My breathing was loud as I followed the sobs. The screams echoed through the walls as I came to an open room. I pressed up against the wall, knowing who was inside that room.

All I could hear the thudding of boots against the floor and her cries for help.

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