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Cassidy kept quiet for the entire ride. Every now and again, she'd glanced over at me nervously. I wanted to smile at her, or give her some sort of reassurance but Grayson kept looking at me through the rear view mirror. He was acting like my fucking mother, so I kept my mouth shut.

We pulled up outside the house and we all piled out of the car. Cassidy kept close, I could sense her anxiousness and I couldn't blame her for that, I mean, last time she was here Jared threatened to kill her and all that.

We went inside the house and I led Cassidy up to the bedroom she stayed in the last time she was here. I led her inside the room and I went to go change my blood-stained clothes.

I threw on a pair of black jeans and a fresh black shirt, then slipped on my boots. I entered the room again and Cassidy was sitting on the edge of my bed. "You know, I didn't ask you to bring me here." Cassidy folded her arms, subtly glaring at me.

Ignoring her, I walked towards the door. "Try not to eavesdrop this time." I glanced back at her, then left the room, slamming the door in the process. I didn't mean to snap at her, I had no right to be mad at her, I just was. That's what happens when you're a dick.

I strolled down the stairs and entered the living room, a frown on my face. All of the boys were sitting on the couches, except Jared who was staring in the middle of the room. My brows furrowed.

"What shit did the bitch get you into this time?" Jared folded his arms across his chest. I fought the urge to punch him then and there, just for calling Cassidy a bitch. But that would only provoke him even more and showed I cared too much.

I leaned my shoulder against the doorframe, glaring at him across the room with narrowed eyes. I didn't need this shit. "Who said it had anything to do with the bitch?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, you aren't denying it." Jared shrugged nonchalantly.

"Don't push me, Jared." I warned him, my hands balling up into fists.

"Or what?" He urged.

"Or I'll knock your fucking teeth out." I seethed, meaning it. He needed to be put in his place. I was more than happy to show him where that was.

Grayson noticed the tension between the two of us. "Will you two cut it out? I'm sick of this shit. Jared, sit the fuck down. Ethan, tell us what happened." He ordered. Jared didn't budge. I spoke up.

"I was on my way back from Ross'. I parked to go get gas and I noticed a blacked out car following me. It pulled up next to me and three of Anderson's men got out. Two came at me, one smashed my car up." I pointed to my black eye.

"Luckily, I had my gun on me and shot one of the guys in the leg and arm. The other pulled out a knife and tackled me. He almost had me, but I stabbed the idiot before he could stab me. The other got away before I could get him. I piled into my car before someone called the cops. I managed to get to the warehouse, I knew the car would've exploded if I went any further. I walked to Cassidy's because none of you fuckers were answering your phones and it was the closest."

Everyone stayed quiet, trying to process the story.

"Bullshit." None other than Jared spoke up. "I didn't have one miss call—"

I cut him off by swinging my fist into his jaw. It was like he expected me to hit him, because he hit me back just as hard, the impact hurt double because of my busted up face already.

My nostrils flared with rage, I lunged at him and tackled him to the ground. His body hit the ground harshly and I managed to get a few punches in before I felt someone pull me off of his body.

"Enough." Hunter yelled, dragging me back again when I made a run for Jared. He needed a few more punches for the way he was speaking to me and the attitude he was giving me lately. My breathing was uneven as I watched Jared stand up. He wiped the blood from his mouth and nose using the back of his hand.

I glared at him. "You might want to get your head out of your ass, Jared. You don't know who you're talking to. I think you're forgetting whose in charge around here. You may have pulled a few ropes while I was gone, but if you didn't notice already, I'm back." His eyes were locked on the floor as he controlled his breathing. "And if you ever call her a bitch again or ever lay a hand on her," I paused, stepping closer so I was in his face. "I wont think twice about killing you."

With that, I left the room. Fighting Jared made me feel somewhat better. You know what they say, actions speak louder than words. I held my jaw in my hand as I made my way up the stairs.

I walked down the hall, stopping dead in my tracks when I notified the door to the room Cassidy was in was open. Biting the inside of my cheek, I walked in with furrowed eyebrows.

"Cassidy?" I asked, looking around the room. The room was empty.


She ran.

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