- prologue.

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"unnie, your ice cream is melting" the younger girl said pointing at the ice cream nayeon had on on her hand, she was worried for it.

not the ice cream though, she's worried for her unnie who had been crying for like two hours now. nayeon's face was already swollen, eyes red from all the crying.

tzuyu decided to buy the older an ice cream thinking that it would somehow cheer the older up but after taking the ice cream from her, nayeon bursted into tears once again when the scene of her cuddling to her dog while watching tv and eating ice cream flashed to her mind.

nayeon sniffed wiping her cheeks that had been stained with her tears with her free hand "she's the only one i have to cuddle when i feel lonely, in yet-" more tears started to flow down to her cheeks "i'm such a careless and heartless owner" she exclaimed between her sobs covering her face with her hands completely forgetting about her ice cream.

it didn't took long for tzuyu to scoot closer to the older and drew comforting circles at nayeon's back "unnie, stop saying that. you're not careless and heartless."

nayeon raised her head from her palms face smudge with vanilla flavored ice cream "but-"

tzuyu shook her head "no, unnie. you tried your very best to catch up and save mocha, you're not heartless and careless- and don't even think of saying otherwise"

nayeon cried harder, sobs getting louder as she rested her head on tzuyu's shoulder dropping the already melted ice cream down to the ground.

tzuyu being the nice friend she is as always, texted the other girls saying that they were both at the park at their usual spot. tzuyu of course continued to comfort nayeon and after what seemed like three years nayeon finally calmed down drying her tears.

the younger had already finished her cup of ice cream and placed the empty cup below the bench. actually tzuyu can't blame the older, nayeon lives alone on her own house since she's now on her college year and her dog mocha was the only who accompanies her at her dorm. her parents? well they're always busy with their works flying from country to country but if they did had a day or two off they'd spend it with their one and only child, nayeon.

yeah, nayeon has it all, she's rich, talented, friendly, generous, loving, smart, understanding and last but not the least, she's not spoiled. she even works on a café near the school she currently studies at, she doesn't want to always relay on her parents.

actually, tzuyu too would cry that much for mocha if she was on the older's position- not because she's also a pet lover but also because of the reason of living all alone on a house all by herself, she can't survive a day without anyone or anything accompanying her whenever she feels lonely.

not wanting for nayeon to cry again, i guess, tzuyu decided to talk about something else "so uhm, unnie" nayeon raised his head and turned to look at the younger still wiping her stained cheeks with the hem of her sleeves "who was that guy with you by the schools garden, hm?" tzuyu asked giving the older a teasing look.

everyone in their group already has boyfriends, well except chaeyoung who is still being courted and of course except nayeon herself. they all live with their significant others except for the maknaes who still lives with thier family.

remembering what happened last friday at their lunch time, nayeon couldn't help but look away hiding her blushing self "he's a no one"

"really?" the older slowly nodded her head "judging by your face red as a ripe tomato that time when that guy started talking something to you, i don't think he's a no one"

"you already know him, he's one of your boyfriend's close friends" nayeon said still looking away.

all nayeon and that guy did that time was talk about their upcoming test, he is her tutor and-

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