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For: Jazzy Wolf!

Btw, there will be some references from the Slenderman movie...

Start of story~

Rose was walking to Travis' house to pick him up from school.......

"Travis! Come on! Time to go to school!" Rose yelled, as she knocked on the door. The door opened to reveal Travis' mom, with red sore eyes with tear stains on her face. "Oh...Mrs. B? Are you okay?" Rose asked.

"Not really Rose......Are you here to pick up Travis?" Mrs. B asked, rubbing her eyes. "Yes...Is he still here? Or did he leave already?" Rose asked. "No, and he wasn't here all night..." Mrs. B said. "Is that why you're crying?" Rose asked. Mrs. B nodded.

"Even my husband can't stand his disappearance..." Mrs. B said. "I'll try to find him! Don't worry!" Rose assured to the worried mother. "Thank you..." Mrs. B said. "Can I take a look at his room first for any clues?" Rose asked. "Alright..." Mrs. B said, letting Rose in.

She went into Travis' room and found nothing.....

"...Nothing here at all..." Rose whispered to herself. She then found a laptop and 2 books on top of it with Travis' name on it, on a desk next to the paintings. Pretty sure it was Travis', she looked around the room. Since nobody was in the room but her, she quickly shoved those items in her bag. Which surprisingly, fit.

She ran downstairs to Mrs. B......

"Nothing?" Mrs. B asked. Rose shook her head. "But, I'll try to look for him!" Rose said. "Ok, thanks..." Mrs. B said, still shedding tears.

Rose went to Regal Academy and was walking towards her friends......

"Guys! Bad news!" Rose yelled. "No time! We have to get to class!" Astoria yelled. And pulled Rose with her. "But, Astoria—!" Rose was cut off. "No buts! Class now!" Astoria yelled, dragging her friend.

They made it to class......

But, the teacher wasn't there yet......

"Wait! Where's Travis!? UGH!!!!!! DOESN'T HE KNOW HE'S PUTTING MY GRADES ON THE LINE!?!?!?" Astoria yelled. "That's what I'm trying to telk you! He's—!" Rose covered her own mouth, and pulled her friends into a huddle. "He's missing." Rose whispered. Everyone went wide eyed.

They got up from huddle, and got weird looks from everyone else, after all the yelling and the sudden huddle. "Uh.....hehe.....He's just sick with an embarrassing disease, he didn't want to talk about!" Rose lied to everyone else. Then they all shrugged and looked away not caring anymore.

"So why is he missing?" Hawk whispered. "I don't know......But, meet me at my house tonight, cause I have 2 books and a laptop that took from his room for investigation....." Rose said. "Ok, but what's a lap—?" Astoria was about to ask. "An earth electronic. We use it for games looking up meanings and things and to find locations....Ect." Rose explained.

She received awkward and confused looks. "It's like an advance book crossed with a crystal ball and magic mirror....." Rose explained in an easier way. Sort of...... "Ooohhhh......" Her friends said, slightly getting it.

After school.......

They all met at Rose's house.....

But, her parents weren't home.......

"Let's see what happened here....." Rose said to herself while looking through the laptop. While her friends were looking at the book covers. "The 1st book is scary looking....." Joy said. "And the 2nd one is his Journal....." Astoria said. "It may be his privacy.....But, we need a clue.....Try looking for something there....." Rose said.

Astoria nodded and skipped through a few.........pages that seem to have had a little "too much" information. Then something caught her attention. "Guys, I found something a little suspicious..." Astoria said. "Read it." Rose said, while still looking through the laptop. Everyone listened carefully.

Dear diary,

Man, that sounds girly...

.....I have always had problems with my grandparents and other students.....

Always being laughed at 1st, before being helped when I get crushed under things or dragons....Or get hurt by something or someone.....

And I'm getting sick of it!

After a few weeks.....I started watching and reading a couple of scary stuff.....

'Cause I thought that would take my mind off of all the things that happened to me.....

Then I stumbled upon something on the internet.....

I clicked it.....

Then after what I saw...
I decided I would let him take me.....

After she finished reading the page. "Let who take him?" Astoria questioned. "I think I know who it is....." They all looked at Rose. "Take a look at this." Rose said. They all took a look at what was on the computer. "It's a Creepy Pasta website..." Rose said. "Creepy Pasta?" Joy asked. Rose explained what that was and they all got it.

"So.....Travis was on the Creepy Pasta website...?" Hawk asked. "Looks like it..." Rose said. "But, why? And let who take him?" Ling ling asked. "It could be............Slenderman!" Rose said, scared. "Who's Slenderman?" Astoria asked. "One of the most famous Creepy Pasta..." Rose explained. Then she showed a picture and description of him. Everyone looked at the image in fright.

"Why would he be after kids?" Jou asked. "I don't know.....It's a mystery..." Rose said. "Travis asked Slenderman to take him? Why would he do that?" Hawk asked. "I don't know! Maybe he has underappriaciative grandparents!? Or maybe because we always laugh at him when he gets crushed or hurt!?" Rose yelled, sarcasticly.

Then there was sound outside. "What's that sound?" Ling ling asked. They looked out the windows to see nothing. They all shut the windows. "That was weird....." Rose said.

Just then.......

The windows broke and they were all grabbed by tentacles and dragged into the woods.....


Hey! Sorry that escalated quickly....

But, I ran out of ideas......


Hope you like it Jazzy!

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