Who are you really? Part 3

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No one's P.O.V

"You know...I think I've seen that type of cloth before." Linda said. "It looks like the robe the spirit lady was wearing earlier." She explained. "Wasn't the one she was wearing covered in blood?" Rose said.

"Yeah. But, I've seen more of these robes in a box somewhere, when I was taking pictures. C'mon lemme show you!" Linda said and Rose followed.

In the room where the robes are~

"This room is actually part of the channeling chamber. As you can see, there was a room divider separating the room." Linda explained. "If you knew that, why did we take the long way to the box.....?" Rose asked, with a serious look on her face. "Whoops.....Slipped my mind I guess....." Linda said, sweating in embarrassment. Rose face palmed.

But then, she noticed something on the box. There was... 'A bullet hole...?' Rose thought. Then she looked around the room and saw another bullet hole on the room divider, perfectly angled with the one on the box. "Uh...How did they say the victim died...?" Rose asked. "She was stabbed in the chest, then shot in the head, they said." Linda answered. "How many shots were there again?" Rose asked again. "The gun was used twice. But, the victim died from a single blow to the head." Linda answered again.

'So, that means one of the gunshots were aiming at something else.' Rose thought.

Time skip to the trial~
(I'd just like to say how sorry I am for that.)

Students and teachers were sitting with the rest of the crowd, while Rose and Snow White were seated at their own desks. (Gosh, I feel ridiculous😅) Cinderella made her way to her own desk. "Are you both ready?" Cinderella asked. Both sides nodded.

"Then the class---I--I--I mean.....COURT is now in session for the trial of Fiona Godmother." Cinderella said as she banged her pumpkin gavel. (Who else wished for that to be in the show? .....Just me...? Ok.....T_T)

"I'd like to call my first witness, Linda *insert any last name you like here* to the stand." Snow White said. 'Wait, What!? She's on their side!?' Rose internally yelled.

She made her way up to the stand.

"Name and occupation." Snow White said. "Linda _____ and I'm a photographer." Linda said. "Tell us what you know." Snow White said. And Linda explained what she knew.
(I already wrote her explanation. I ain't writtin' it again. And I'm too lazy to copy it.)

"And then I was able to take some pictures of the scene." Linda finished. "Alright. Now us what you were able to capture." Snow White demanded. "Sheesh granny-gurl. No need to be so demanding." Linda said. "Just show us the pictures." Snow White demanded again. "Yes ma'am!" Linda said nervously.

She gave the pictures.

Then everyone gasped.

"B-but, the person in the picture looks nothing like the defendant! Rather...male....looking....." Cinderella said, awkwardly. "I was able to study about this before this trial. When channeling a spirit, the host's physical form will change to the one they are channeling. That is why they wear neutral clothing. I also assume this is how the defendant was able to gain enough strength to apprehend the Evil Queen." Snow White said.

"Weird....." Cinderella mumbled, awkwardly. "This is also the robe and crown she was wearing during the murder. There are blood stains on the robe. We took some tests and it is shown to belong to the victim." Snow White said and presented the two said evidences.

"Wait! You said that was her crown. But, look at the picture. The crown isn't on her head, nor anywhere in the picture." Rose explained. "It could've easily fallen off." Snow White scoffed. "Not quite." Linda said. "She chatted with me a little and she also mentioned something about that crown being a pain to take off. It was tightly fitted to her head. So, there's no way it could've fallen off so easily." She finished explaining.

"Maybe so. But, either way, that doesn't beat the fact that the victim's blood is all over her robe." Snow White said.

'There's gotta be something about that robe...... *gasp* Wait a minute!' Rose thought. "Hold it! You're missing something!" Rose yelled. "And what is that?" Snow White asked. "There's a hole on the right sleeve of the robe." Rose pointed at the robe. "I guess I should be surprised at myself for thinking you have already noticed that." Snow White said and smirked.

"Wait! You knew!?" Rose asked. "Of course. But, what does that little hole have to do with anything?" Snow White asked. "It was said that the victim was stabbed in the chest by a dagger, and then died by a single blow to the head. But, we've heard the witness say there were two gunshots heard before breaking through the door. Which means, this hole was caused by a bullet." Rose said. "I assumed that. That is why I had Sheriff Red Riding Hood analyze everything and built up a scenario of what could've happened. I'd like to call Sheriff Red Riding Hood to the stand next." Snow White said.

The Sheriff marched in.

"Sheriff Red Riding Hood, and I'm the sheriff around here!" The Sheriff said. "Tell us what you think could've happened." Snow White ordered.

"Yes Ms. Snow White." The Sheriff said.

"The channeling, the defendant found this a good chance to strike with her originally weapon, a dagger. But, the victim still had enough strength to fight back with a gun she had for some reason. But, they were too close and she was too weak. So, she missed and ended up hitting her right sleeve. Then, the defendant was able to snatch the gun from her and deliver the final blow." The Sheriff explained.

"That's what you think happened?" Cinderella asked. "That's what I assume." The sheriff answered back. "I have to object to this." Rose said. "And why?" Snow White asked, sarcastically. "My uncle on my dad's side was a cop, and he showed me a few things about a gun, when I was 6." Rose said.

"Why would he.......? At a very young age......... Never mind....." Snow White said. "And he taught me that when you fire a gun, gunpowder will show how far the distance was. You said, they were close. Which means it could have left gunpowder. But, look at the hole. There's no gun powder." Rose stated. (I'm sorry if I misunderstood the use of a gun.) "However.....I nearly forgot to mention, that there is a bullet hole on the room divider. And there was a bit of gunpowder on it two." Rose explained. "Which means.....The victim was BEHIND the room divider." Rose yelled out. Everyone gasped.

"And what is your point?" Snow White asked. "Now we have a new mystery. What was she doing back there?" Rose asked. And this finally shocked Snow White.

A few skips ahead.....'cause your brainless author ran out of ideas~

"I'd like to call a new witness!" Snow White yelled. "I call Travis Beast to the stand!" Snow White said. "What!? But, he said he slept through the whole thing!" Rose yelled. "He slept through the murder. But, he recalled something or rather, someone that woke him up. This made Rose curious.

Then the Beast stepped into the room and all the way to the stand.

To Be Continued.

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