Who are you really? Part 5 (Ending part)

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Still No one's P.O.V

They decide to take a 10 minute recess. Which gave Rose some time to ask Linda some pictures of the accident.

Then, recess was over.

And they began listening to Travis' story.

"We were just walking to the car. Hawk seemed cold. So, I offered him my jacket. He said no, but I insisted. So he took the jacket and wore it. It was the least I could do since he felt messed up after all he's been through. We got in the car. And Hawk started driving. I'm not sure what happened, I was asleep the whole car ride. Then, suddenly... BOOM! I woke up, still in the car. But, it crashed on it's left side. And everything around me was on fire! I tried to wake up Hawk, hoping he was just knocked out.

But, it was no use.....So, I wiggled out of the passenger's seat as fast as I could and got out of there." Travis finished.

"That sounded very hard for you, was it?" Cinderella asked. Travis looked down. "It was." He answered.

"One problem. If you knew Hawk felt... "messed up", you knew he was in no condition to drive. So, why didn't you drive? Before this was burnt it, was your driver's license, right?" Rose asked, showing the license. Which made Travis tense. "Uh...yeah.....Why?" He asked, nervously. "If you had your own driver's license and had it with you that whole time, why didn't you drive?" Rose asked him. And he started to sweat.

"W-well.....Because,....he wouldn't let me..." Travis answered. "And why?" Rose pressed on more. "Uh... 'Cause...he got his license months ago and wanted to use it on the new car he bought. I think...it was an American sports car." He answered. Rose smirked. 'Gotcha!'

"I see a flaw here." Rose started. "What flaw are you talking about?" Snow White said. "You said the car crashed on it's left side right? And that you escaped from the passenger's seat, which would be on the right side, correct? " Rose asked. "Y-yes." Travis answered. "But, an American sports car has the passenger's seat on the left and the driver's seat on the right." Rose stated. Travis panicked. "Which means, Travis,.... YOU WERE IN THE DRIVER'S SEAT!" Rose yelled. Travis yelped. "Whether he was in the driver's seat or not, how does this explain his motive to kill?" Snow White asked.

"Because, he also mentioned he gave Hawk his jacket." Rose answered. "Yeah, 'cause he was cold. So what?" Travis asked. "Well, someone, you, went to the hospital after the accident, because of loosing your facial features." Rose said. "But, there was a picture taken of the patient as well." She showed them the picture. "In this picture, before he was transfered into a patient's attire, he was still wearing his burnt clothes. And you can see....." She allowed some else to finish.

"He's still wearing his jacket!" Cinderella said in shock. And Travis sweating a lot. Rose continued. "And his license found, burnt, in that jacket. That's were they knew, or rather thought that's what he looked like." "What are you implying?" Snow White asked.

"Just think about it. Hawk was the one driving. But, Travis was the one in the driver's seat. He gave Hawk his jacket. But, in this picture he's still wearing it. And of course he wouldn't try to take an unimportant object, like, clothing off a dead body in the middle of a car crash and fire." Rose explained. "I can only think of one thing....." Rose started. "THE PERSON ON THE STAND IS NOT TRAVIS BEAST!" Rose yelled, and pointed at Travis. And everyone gasped in shock.

"Isn't that right......Hawk Snow White?" Rose asked, now knowing who she was really talking to. Which made "Travis" more tense. "Impossible! They found Hawk's body in the car, burnt and dead!" Snow White said, still hurt, remembering what she was told about that night.

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