Who are you really? (A murder mystery)

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I just had this idea from "Ace Attorney".

It's based on one of their episodes.

I forgot the title.

I also shortened it a little and removed some scenes of the case.

So, it's not too long.

On with the story~

8 months ago~

It was night time and two teenage boys were riding in a car.

One with green hair was asleep in the passenger's seat.

And the one with blue hair was driving.

Hawk's P.O.V

What happened a few weeks ago, to the Evil Queen's grand daughter, Zandra, was no accident.

Rage got in my head and I lost control.

No one's P.O.V

The Snow White boy was too distracted in his thoughts, that he didn't notice that the road has split in to two separate paths.

Shocked, he turned the steering wheel too hard and the car fell off the road.

The car crashed landed on it's left side.

It was on fire but the one in the passenger's seat was able to get out bit left with a burnt face.

Present time~

Rumors were spreading all over Regal Academy.

Saying that the Evil Queen was killed.

Even if she was a villain, murder isn't acceptable in Fairytale Land. So, they agreed to find the killer and banish him/her.

There was somebody who was accused of this.

Fiona Godmother. The Fairy Godmother's grand daughter.

(She's not an official OC. I made her up just now.)

They think this, because, instead of studying her granny's type of  magic she went to earth and studied about spirit mediums.

The Evil Queen booked herself in for a meeting with her, to channel Hawk's spirit. Because she puts the blame on Hawk for Zandra's death.

Before she could get revenge on Hawk, he died in a car accident on earth.

So, she decided to talk to his spirit instead. But, she ended up murdered by Hawk's spirit.

People doubted Hawk would have the heart to do something like that.

And there was a pistol and a dagger at the scene of the crime with Fiona's fingerprints on it.

But, Rose on the other hand, doesn't think Fiona has the hard to do it either. So, she thought of an idea.

"Before we banish her, shouldn't we hold a trial for her?" Rose asked. "What's a trial?" Astoria asked. Rose explained what a trial was. (Still my lazy self.)

"I suppose that would determine if she's innocent or not." H.M. Cinderella said. "Alright, we shall hold a trial for her here in this school. But, where are we going to find a defense?" H.M. Cinderella asked. "Why don't I do it? I've learned a lot from my dad. That's his job on earth actually." Rose said.

"Alright then. But-" Cinderella was cut off. "I'll prosecute. I would love to discipline this horrible person. I'll just go to earth and read about this."  Snow White said. "I guess I'll judge." Cinderella said.

After that discussion~

Rose was now investigating the spiritual school that was placed in the Fairytale Land, in the forest.

She opened a door and saw Travis.

"Oh. Travis? What are doing here?" Rose asked. "Oh...I was just.....I kinda booked in to this spiritual school a week ago." Travis explained. "A week ago...? The murder happened 2 days ago. So, you were here to witness it?" Rose asked. "Not really...I was here in this room, asleep. So, I must've slept through the whole incident. I kinda feel bad about that." Travis said. "Don't worry it's not your fault." Rose said.

"Hey there! What are you doing here?" A woman with a camera said. "My name's Linda!" She said. "Hello, there my names Rose. And I'm investigating this crime." Rose said. "That's nice. I was gonna take more pictures at the crime scene." Linda said. "Oh, I was just heading there. Let's go I guess." Rose said.


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