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Selina wakes up and turns to her side. She slowly opens her eyes and sees that Bruce is not next to her. She sits up and looks around her looking at the clothes on the floor. But she only sees hers. Not Bruce's. She puts the blanket around her and gets up.
"B" she calls through the apartment. She looks into all of the rooms as panic grows more and more in her body. When she relises he is gone she runs to the bedroom and puts on her clothes. She runs out of the apartment and runs to the GCPD.

Selina walks into the GCPD and sees Harper. She walks over to her desk.
"Have you seen Bruce" she asks. Harper pulls out a letter from her drawer.
"He left this for you" she says. Selina takes the letter and from Harper and walks over to a corner away from her. She opens the letter and reads it.
Dear Selina,
As I sit and write this letter and looks over at you I relise how beautiful that you. That you are the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen and that what I'm going to do is going to ruin what ever we had but I have to do this to keep you safe. I'm leaving Gotham and I'm not returning until Gotham needs me. I need to start my training to become what Gotham needs. I might be the man that you want but I'm not the man that Gotham needs.
Selina what we shared today was the greatest moment of my life and I hope that I showed you how much I love you. I love you so much that it hurts. But I know that it is best for me to leave. You will be safer. I want you to remember that I will always love you and that this is for the best. I will return some day to you. And even if you hate me I will at least know that you are safe. And that all that matter to me. Even if you hating me hurt me to unbelief. I will always love you and I will be waiting. Don't wait for me because I don't deserve you. You will always have a little bit of me with you as you do me.
All I ask of you is to look after Alfred that is my last wish.
I love you,

Selina closes that letter and runs out of the GCPD.

Selina arrives to the airport and sees a plane in the air. She runs out and she knows that she was to late. He was gone and she couldn't get him back. She lets out a shaky breathe. She hears footsteps coming beside her.
"Miss Kyle" she hears Alfred say.
"Why" she asks him.
"He wants to protect you" he says. She sobs.
"I don't need protecting" she cries as she falls to the floor. Alfred holding her. He wraps his arms around her.
"I need him" she sobs into his shoulder. They sit there for a few minutes as he lets her cry.

That was his choice BATCATWhere stories live. Discover now