Chapter 6

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Selina sits in the bathroom of building of the people who where going to help her get her business started. But the baby in her stomach decided that her breakfast had to come up first. Barbara rubs her back as she throws up.
"Hey it's ok" Barbara says still rubbing her back. Selina finishes and stands up as well as Barbara.
"You alright will you be able to do the presentation" Barbara asks.
"Yeah I should do" she says. Barbara nods.
"Well we better get going they won't be happy that we are a little late" Barbara says. Selina nods.

"The point of my businesses it to help the people and animals on the street. People on the street are treated wrongly because they don't have money. Because they steal. But the reason why they steal is because it is to do with survival. If you had gone days with our eating then you will do whatever it takes for you to get food and this is what these kids have to do. But with my business they will be able to have food and drink and shelter to live a happy life. To get an education so that they can get a good job to put their criminal life behind them. The animals from the street will be checked and examined so that they don't pass on any diseases before they are to help the kids get over any trauma or they will be given to anyone who is going to treat them nicely. This is a way to change the city for the better. This is to help the people who are less fortunate and to make sure the next generation of the people of Gotham are criminal free" Selina say as she finishes her presentation. She sees Barbara smiling at her.
"That was very impressive Miss Kyle and your idea might be what the city needs to have a better future. I will be glad to help you with your business" the CEO says. Selina smiles.
"Now I will get an architect to design the buildings. Construction should start in a few months" he says. He stands up and shakes Selina hands.
"I'm looking forward to working with you miss Kyle" he says.
"You to" she says as she and Barbara walk out.

Barbara and Selina walks back into Lee and Jim's apartment.
"Hey How did it go" Lee asks. Barbara walks over and takes Barbara Lee.
"Well my business should be up and running by next year" she says. Lee stands up and hugs her.
"I'm so proud of you" she says as she hugs Selina. They pull away from each other and Selina and Jim hug.
"I knew they would agree" he says.
"Thanks" Selina says.
"Well how about we go out for dinner" Lee says.
"Umm Lee you know I love food but the baby is giving me a bit of a hard time so I'm going to have to pass" she says.
"That's fine we can just order in" she says. Selina smiles.
"How about you go lie down" Barbara says. Selina nods and walks away.
"Well I better take Barbara home it's almost her bed time. I have work tomorrow so if you want to can have her on Thursday" Barbara says. Jim and Lee nod.
"Ok thank you for watching her" she says before hugging Lee and Jim and walking home.

Jim and Lee sit on the couch.
"Lee" Jim says.
"Yeah" she says turning to him.
"I want to adopt Selina" he says.
"What" she says.
"Lee she has been through so much and she is like a daughter to me" he says.
"I'm shocked. But I want to as well" she says.
"You do" he says.
"Yeah Selina is someone I see as a daughter as well and I don't want her to be on her own I want her to know that she is always going to have us" she says.
"You know if we adopt her then her child is going to be our grandchild" he says. Lee laughs and kisses him.

That was his choice BATCATWhere stories live. Discover now