Chapter 25

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Next day...
Selina stands in front of the school next to Esme.
"Ok have a good day at school. I love you kitten" she says as she puts a kiss on her daughters head.
"Love you to mom" she says before walking near the school. She sees Barb and walks to her.
"Hey. We really going to do this" Barb asks her. Esme nods her head.
"I found the address to Wayne manor and it's not that long of a walk from here. We can be there in about a 20 minute walk" she says. Barb nods.
"Ok you sure your mom has left" Barb asks. Esme looks around the car park and doesn't see the car.
"Yeah she's gone. Come on" Esme says as she and Barb walk off of the school premises.

After a 20 minute walk the girls reach the front door of Wayne manor.
"Ok you ready" Barb asks. Esme nods. Barb puts her hand forward and knocks on the door.

Selina sits in her office when she gets a phone call. She picks it up.
"Hello" she says into the phone.
"Hello Miss Kyle this is Allison from the school. We where just wondering if Esme was coming into school today as she hasn't been in class" she asks. Selina is confused.
"Well I dropped her off at the school this morning she should be there" Selina says.
"We have had staff look around the school and she is not anywhere" she says.
"Umm I'm going to need to make some phone calls and I will call you back when I have information" Selina says.
"I understand miss Kyle" Allison says before Selina hands up.
Selina quickly puts in the phone number and waits for them to pick up.
"Selina hey how are you" Jim says into the phone.
"Is Esme with you" she asks quickly.
"No why would she be. Isn't she in school" Jim asks.
"No the school rang and said she wasn't in school. Dad what if penguin or Jeremiah took her" she frantically says.
"Hey I will find her ok. Lees at home go there and I will call you when I have information" he says.
"Ok" she says as she hangs up. Jim sighs. He gets another phone call.
"Yeah" he says into the phone.
"Jim it's Barbara. Is Barbara Lee with you".

The door opens and a tall man with brown hair looks at the two young girls.
"Hello May I help you" he asks confused.
"Hi I'm Barbara Lee and this is Esme" Barb says.
"You must be Jim and Barbara's daughter. Haven't seen you since you where a baby" he says.
"You knew me when I was a baby" she asks confused.
"Yeah I'm friends with your dad and kinda friends with your mother" he said. Barb nods.
"Ok we are getting off topic because there is something important that we need to discuss" Esme says.
"Well come in then" he says. The girls walk in and he closes the door.

That was his choice BATCATWhere stories live. Discover now