Chapter 11

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A few weeks go by since the birth of Esme and things with the business have been coming along. Selina was getting the hang of being a mom and she was starting to get better when Bruce is brought up.
Selina has been dealing with a mom and working on the business and starting to do advertising for the business and getting funds. The shelter for the cats would be done in a month and the children's home would be done around a month later. Selina was happy to finally be  able to give her daughter a good life and she could put her criminal life behind her.

Selina wakes up to the sound of Esme crying. She opens her eyes and gets out of bed and walks over to her. Selina picks her up. "Hey kittens it's ok shhh. Are you hungry" she asks as she grabs a bottle. She feeds Esme and Selina smiles. Once she finishes she burps her and then walks out of her bedroom and into the kitchen. She looks and sees Jim making breakfast.
"Morning Dad" she says. Jim turns and smiles.
"Morning honey" he says as he gives her a kiss on the head.
"How's my grandchild doing" he says as he takes Esme out of Selinas arms.
"Good I just fed her" she says as she looks at the pancakes.
"Where mom" she asks.
"She had to go down to the hospital an emergency came in. I have to go into work it's been pretty busy Harvey says. So I'll be back tonight. If you Barbara can come over" he says.
"No actually me and Alfred are going to meet up at the apartment later for lunch so that we can catch up he says he got some news on Bruce" Selina says. Jim nods.
"I know that it is still hard for you to talk about him. Just try not to get to involved. It might hurt you and I don't want you or Esme to" he says.
"I know I just want to make sure he is fine" she says. Jim nods.
"Well I have to go. I'll be back later" he says as he hands Esme back to Selina and gives them both a kiss on the head before leaving. Selina sighs before putting Esme down in her rocker and eating her breakfast.

Selina puts on the emerald ring that Bruce gave her and grabbing Esme which she had changed into different clothes.
"Your ready kitten you see Grandpa Alfred" she says. The baby smiles. Selina giggles before grabbing her keys and walking out the door.

Selina knocks on the door and waits for Alfred to answer. The door opens and Alfred smiles as he sees the two.
"Selina nice to see you" he says as he hugs her. She smiles.
"How's the little minx been" he asks.
"She's good" I say. He smiles.
"Come in" he says. I walk in.

"So you said you got news from Bruce" she asks.
"Umm... yes. He's in Asia" he says.
"Asia" she asks. Alfred nods.
"Did you find out why" she asks.
"I've been told that he is helping out with the army" he says. Selinas eyes go wide.
"I know I had the same reaction but I think he has a reasoning for it. I don't know what but there's a reason" he says. Selina sits down on the couch.
"Well lets not talk about that why don't we talk about the company how is it going" he asks sitting on the couch.
"It's doing well. It will open in 3 months" she says. Alfred nods.
"And what's the name" Alfred asks.
"Kyle enterprises".

That was his choice BATCATWhere stories live. Discover now