Meeting the In-Laws

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The doors of the ballroom swung open, enveloping Steven and I in thunderous applause, and it was as if a secret switch had been flipped within the man standing next to me. Steven smiled warmly at me as he offered his arm. I wind my arm around his bicep and let him guide me into the cavernous room, filled to the brim with aristocracy from not only our two kingdoms but those of our allies. I manage a warm smile for each of the faces that flash past.

As the crowd parts before us like the Red Sea of old, it becomes clear that he is leading me towards my father and his parents. Once we reach them I let go of Steven's arm to curtsey before the three monarchs. "Your Majesties, welcome. I trust that your journey was pleasant?" I enquire once I've risen back to my feet.

"Quite pleasant, thank you, your highness. We are glad to make the journey to meet our future daughter-in-law. Our sincerest thanks for your hospitality, your father tells me that you oversaw the preperations yourself," King Joseph says with a broad smile.

"That is true, my lord. I wanted to ensure that your family experienced only the best that our capital has to offer," I say with a polite smile, which grows stiff around the edges when I hear Steven speak.

"If the princess pays such attention to detail in her lessons as she does in hospitality, we may have a very capable queen one day," Steven quips from beside me, although he says it with a laugh, the insult lurking beneath it is very real.

"I am already a capable ruler in all but title, your highness. I could give you a few pointers and lessons if you'd like?" I quip back, much to the amusement of the three monarchs.

"Be careful that you don't bite off more than you can chew, my son. I have a feeling you might have just met your match," Queen Sarah laughs lightly before addressing me. "Now, my dear, I simply must ask you for the recipe of those delightful pastries that were brought to our rooms when we arrived," Queen Sarah asks as she gently leads me away from the men.

"I'll write it down for you, your majesty, I'm glad you enjoyed them," I say smiling at her. As we walk, we discuss various recipes and where to get the best ingredients. Before I know it she has led me to the outside terrace which is bathed in moonlight and flickering torches.

We walk over to a stone bench and sit down before she takes my hands in hers. "I know that you have only just met Steven, and I'm afraid he may not have made a very good impression upon you. I apologize for that. We did not inform him of your betrothal until we had reached the capital borders."

I try to reassure her, but she raises her hand to cut me off just as I open my mouth. She continues, looking into my eyes so that I may see her sincerity, "I am well aware how opposed he is to this. I am not trying to excuse his actions. I already know that he acted abominably towards you in the hallway, and I am sorry for that. I wish to tell you a story, so that you might better understand his bitterness, and that it is not directed at you, but rather the situation you find yourselves in. You see, years ago, he was betrothed to another. They loved each other deeply, which, as you might well know, is rare for royalty. Then she fell ill. No one knew what was wrong, everyone tried everything they could think of, no one more than Steven, he searched beyond the point of exhaustion. But it was too late. She passed in her sleep on a midwinter's eve. Ever since then he has pushed as many people away as possible, scared to get hurt again, scared to open his shut up heart only to have it ripped from his chest. The reason I am telling you this is to beg you not to let him push you away, no matter how hard he tries."

By the time she is finished, both of us have tears in our eyes. The door to the terrace opens and Steven steps out, seeing the two of us quickly drying our eyes. "Mother? Is everything alright?" he asks.

"Everything's perfect my dear. Shall we go back inside? Your father still owes me a dance," Queen Sarah says as she quickly stands and makes her way over to her son.

Steven gives me a curious look, but I only give him a tight-lipped smile. His heartbreak is terrible, that much is true. But it will be a long road before I can even consider him a friend, let alone a lover. Perhaps it is time that I show this prince the true meaning of being an ice princess...

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