The Drums of War

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The feast was already in full swing by the time Steve and I entered. All of our closest friends and family were there along with political allies and royalty. Once all the formalities of greeting each guest were over Steve pulled me out onto the dancefloor, holding me close by the waist and smiling down at me like I had hung the moon and stars. I was pretty sure I had a similar expression on my face.

"You look so beautiful, Mrs. Rogers," he whispers fondly as he twirls me around the room.

"Thank you, and you look very handsome, Mr. Rogers," I whisper back with a large grin before standing on tippytoes to give him a soft kiss which he reciprocates with equal softness.

The moment is ruined by several of the guests' high-pitched screams as James and Sam stumble in covered in minor injuries. Immediately Steve and I rush over to catch the men before they can collapse. "Buck, what the hell happened?!" Steve demands, his voice shaking in panic.

"Black Order...took us by surprise...said they had a message..." James manages to grit out through the pain.

"They said to enjoy...the festivities while you can...because he's coming...Thanos is coming..." Sam finishes the sentence through labored breathing.

Ice cold dread makes its way through my veins, followed swiftly by the volcanic heat of my anger. How dare those leeches intrude on what is supposed to be the happiest day of my life?! Thanos has just messed with the wrong bride and with the wrong princess.

After making sure that James and Sam would be taken care of by the best healers in the capitol Steve instructs all the generals, councilors, monarchs, and other important strategic posts to convene in my father's study. "I'm coming with you," I grab Steve's arm before he can stride off without me. The fire in my eyes tells him not to question me. Although it is highly unorthodox, he merely nods and lets me into the chamber ahead of him.

Where men would normally object to a woman attending a war council, most are either too drunk to notice or know too much about me to care. "Alright gentleman, let's settle down. We know that Thanos is coming, we know that he has a flair for the dramatic, and we know that all he cares about is brute force. Normally I would rally an army and meet him in the open field. But that is exactly what he would expect. So does anyone have any suggestions as to how we might overcome this obstacle?" Steve's entire demeanor has shifted, he's firm and straight to the point, a leader, a king.

I can see the men shifting uncomfortably in their seats and avoid Steve's gaze. My attention is drawn by the coughing fit that takes hold of my father's frame. Eventually, he gains enough control to wheeze out a single word "Minymiky."

Steve's brow furrows as he thinks, "What is Minymiky?"Suddenly it's as if a lightbulb has gone off in my mind and I remember a golden afternoon of long ago when my father and I would while away afternoons making theoretical battle plans. Before I can stop myself the words are already tumbling from my mouth as I approach the battle map on the table.

"It's a fortress in the foothills of the northern mountain range. If we can draw Thanos' army there we may have a chance of crushing him once and for all." My mind is racing hundreds of miles a minute to the extent that I almost do not hear Steve's next question.

"How do you suggest we do that?" There is no malice in his voice, only reverence, and attentiveness.

"It will require everyone's cooperation. My guess is that as soon as he knows where our army is amassing he will ride for it in an attempt to cut us off. It will make things easier for us since we will be able to see him coming a long way off without being spotted ourselves. King Thor, your Valkery can charge from this tunnel hidden here," I point at the spot on the map, "while our infantry will march from the adjoining tunnel here. King Stark, the last time we toured your keep I saw some of the most brilliantly advanced artillery machines ever created, if you can build them, we can place them all along these walls and behind these outcroppings where they can do the most damage will taking the least hits in return. We can place the archers in these towers and all along the causeways here and here." I step back from the table, feeling slightly impressed with myself. A quick glance at Steve shows the pride shining in his eyes as he smiles at me before looking to the room at large.

"Does anyone have any questions?" he looks to the room at large. When he finds only acceptance, he nods firmly. "Very well gentleman, I suggest you all get a good night's sleep. When the drums beat at the break of dawn, we go to war."

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