Phoenix Rising

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Over the course of the next week, I avoided Steven as much as possible. I saw to the traveling arrangements for the journey to the Rogers' country, packed all the possessions that I would take with me, and collected all of my favorite recipes from the castle chefs.

With only a few days before our departure, I wanted to explore the city markets one last time. I had planned on only going with Nat and Wanda, my ladies maid, but that plan was derailed when father requested during breakfast that I take Steven with me. "The people need to know that their princess will be happy. That she is in good hands," father had explained.

Thus, with a slightly soured mood, and dressed in a forest green gown, I had agreed to meet the prince at the doors of the castle and take him on a tour of the city. I almost scoffed and rolled my eyes when I approached the doors and saw the prince waiting with a platoon of guards. "No need to look so excited your highness," Steven sneered.

"Likewise your grace. I do not know how dangerous your capital is, but here, the people are peaceful. There is no need for an entire platoon of guards. You may choose two, but no more, or I am not going anywhere," I stated firmly, much to the prince's obvious displeasure. I waited with a patient, yet firm smile while Steven thought over his options before relenting and nodding at his guards, all of them dispersing but for the two in front; a tall, broad-shouldered man with long dark locks and piercing gray eyes; and a dark-skinned man with a pleasant smile and a small gap between his teeth.

"James and Samuel, I trust them with my life," Steven says shortly, gesturing to each man in turn before raising his eyebrow at me, clearly expecting some sort of introduction to the women at my side.

"Natasha and Wanda, two of the people I trust most in this world," I say, gesturing to the fiery redhead and petite brunette at my side. "Now that introductions are over, shall we go?" I ask, turning to the open doors.

Steven offers his arm without another word and we set off down the bustling street. Despite the grumpy royal pain in the neck at my side, I find myself actually having fun. I talk to many of the shop keeps and citizens, reassuring them that I would talk to my father about what more we could do about their hardships. I also make sure to buy something from each of them.

As the afternoon wanes, Steven starts insisting that we head back to the castle. I open my mouth to tell him to keep his crown on when a large hand grabs my arm roughly and yanks my body out of Steven's reach. "Drop your weapons or the girl gets it!" a greasy voice behind me leers and presses the cold steel of a dagger against my throat as another large, hairy man jumps out and grabs Steven in a similar fashion.

A dead calm settles over me as I discretely slip the ornate dagger that is hidden in the folds of my dress into my hand. With the precision of a striking cobra, I bring the knife up into my assailant's chest before flinging it out and into the shoulder of the man holding a blade to Steven's throat. I knew that the strikes would not kill them, merely distract and incapacitate them long enough for Nat to spring forward and slap irons onto their wrists.

I start to feel lightheaded as I look down to see crimson staining my skin and dress. I manage to take a step forward only to stumble over my feet. "Y/N!" Steven exclaims and rushes over, wrapping his arms securely around my waist.

"I'm fine, it's just a scratch," I reassure him even as my head starts to feel slightly fuzzy. It feels like I'm floating in cool water, my body relaxing under the calming pressure.

I can hear Steven yelling orders, but he sounds far away, it's just me in an endless pool of calm, drowsiness starting to pull me under as strong arms lift me up, gentle fingers caressing my cheek and neck. The last thing I hear before I go under is a whisper on the wind, calling my name.

When I wake my mouth and throat are parched and my eyelids feel glued together. When I finally manage to wrench them open I recognize my rooms. The curtains are shut and there is a roaring fire going in the fireplace with many fur blankets drawn over me. The only change is the chair that had been pulled up next to my bed with the large, blond haired man sitting in it, looking quite uncomfortable as he dozes. I reach out for a smaller pillow and lightly toss it at him.

The moment it lands in his lap, Steven jerks awake with a mumbled "I'm awake!" Then he sees my thoroughly amused face watching him and it is as if a switch has been flipped inside him, his entire being lights up and he moves to sit on the bed, taking my hand in his and placing the softest of kisses on it. "Thank the heavens you're awake!" Steven exclaims before proceding to fuss over me; fluffing the pillows; bringing a goblet of water for me to drink.

When he finally allows me to get a word in the question bursts from my lips like a canon, "Who the hell are you, and what have you done with the prince?"

The questions seem to startle him and his face falls. He looks down at his fingers playing with a fur blanket. His voice is quiet, almost subdued as he explains, "You took a knife for me, despite how beastly I acted towards you. You could easily only have injured your own attacker and let them have me, but you didn't. I was so thankful for you, then just as I was about to express my gratitude, you stumbled and I only caught you just in time as you fainted. The...the blades were dipped in a fast-acting poison. I thought I was going to lose you, and the only thing I could think of was how much of an ass I've been to you. I am so sorry y/n. I promise I'll be better. I'll try to be the man that you deserve."

His confession takes me by surprise and I lay there gaping at him like a fish out of water, unable to form any words. Thankfully I am saved from answering by a knock on the door. James strides in, looking grave. He smiles briefly when he sees that my eyes are open. "It's good to see you awake at last, your highness," he grins before looking at Steven, his brows furrowing and his mouth pulling into a scowl. "We know who ordered the attack, it was the Black Order," James says.

My blood runs cold as I watch the color draining from Steven's face. As the tension mounts in the silent room, a thought clicks into place and I cannot stop the grin spreading across my face as laughter bubbles up in my throat. Both men look at me, worried that I had lost my mind. Once I can bring myself under control again I explain to Steven and James, "Thanos feels threatened by our alliance. He knows that once we are married, our countries united, we would have enough power to crush him, his so-called empire and his pathetic band of mercenaries under our boots. This was an act of war to destabilize us." I move so that I can stand from the bed, Steven moving to support me in case my legs fail. I give him a grateful smile before my face hardens as I look at James. "Well, if it is a war he wants, it is a war he shall get."

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