The Reign of the Ice Princess

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The next morning dawns warm and bright across the castle grounds. As is customary, Wanda, my lady in waiting, rouses me early. After helping me dress in a periwinkle blue dress, she brushes my hair back and braids it with white rosebuds woven into the strands.

There is a firm knock on my door and Wanda opens it to reveal a frowning Steven. "I'm here to escort the princess to breakfast," he tells Wanda in a bored voice.

Before she can answer I rise from my seat and walk to the door. Laying my hand gently on her shoulder, I give her a reassuring smile. "Thank you, Wanda, that will be all. Could you please tell Pietro that I shall see him later this morning? There are a few things I wish to discuss with him," I say with a minuscule squeeze to her shoulder.

"Of course, my lady. I'm sure he shall be overjoyed that you decided to visit him. He was lamenting just the other day how much he misses your presence," Wanda replies with a mischievous smile before curtseying and hurrying down the hall.

Once she is out of sight I step into the hall, closing my door behind me and starting towards the terrace where breakfast is served in the warmer months. I can hear Steven's shoes clicking on the tiles as he hurries to catch up to me. "Who is Pietro?" he asks harshly as he catches my arm.

"He is a friend, and I suggest you remove your hand before I remove it for you," I say icily as I turn to stare him down.

He does not seem bothered by my glare and tightens his hold upon my arm, sending a small jolt of pain through my muscles. Acting on instinct, I slam one foot down onto his while simultaneously bringing the other knee up between his legs.

Steven releases me with a sharp gasp as he doubles over, clutching himself through the fabric of his trousers. "Touch me without my permission again, and a slightly pained manhood will be the least of your worries," I hiss before turning back around and starting back down the corridor, albeit at a reduced pace.

Steven catches up with me as I am about to step onto the terrace. He guides my arm around his bicep and plasters a smile to his face for the sake of keeping up appearances. Once we reach the table Steven pulls out a chair for me. As I take my seat he pushes the chair in harshly, hitting the back of my legs painfully.

"Good morning you majesties," I say with a sincere smile, reaching for some of the cut up fruit, yogurt and pastries to fill my plate.

"Good morning, y/n. Please, call us on our names, all of this 'your majesty' business is truly unnecessary, we are after all about to become family," Joseph says with a warm smile as he hands his wife a cup of dark, aromatic coffee.

"Oh, y/n, I just remembered, I wanted to ask you if you would compile a list of the things that you will be taking with you on our return journey so that we might send it ahead and have our servants ensure that there is space for everything? Also a list of the people you are bringing with so that we can get their quarters ready?" Sarah asks as she takes a sip of the warm liquid.

"Of course, I can have it ready before dinner this evening," I smile, taking a sip of orange juice as I hear Steven let out a derisive snort. "Is there something you would like to add?" I ask with saccharine sweetness.

"Oh I'm just wondering how long could it take to write two lists, are you intending to bring half the castle with you?" Steven asks sarcastically before muttering "Ice Princess," under his breath so that only I could hear

My smile turns icy as I glare at him, venom dripping from my tone. "Not at all, I just like to be thorough and cause as little unnecessary trouble for those around me, although I doubt you would be able to comprehend what that means," I throw my napkin down onto the table as I stand up. "Please excuse me, I'm afraid I've lost my appetite," I say before striding away in the direction of the library.

By lunchtime I have completed both lists, leaving them in my bedroom as I make for the stables, dressed in my riding clothes. As I approach I can hear the whinny of the horses and smell the musk of their coats and the leather of the saddles.

"My lady!" Pietro exclaims as he hurries towards me with a bright smile. "I was wondering when I might have the pleasure of your company once more."

"Hello Pietro, it's good to see you too," I laugh lightly. "How is my horse? Will she be ready to travel when we leave?" I ask as we enter the stables.

"She is in marvelous spirits. She will be back to swimming the grass oceans before the end of the fortnight," he assures me, opening the door of Autumn Ember's stall and leading the chestnut mare out by her reigns, saddle already on her back.

"Hello sweetheart, I've missed you so much," I whisper to her as I hug her head. She gives a playful whinny, nudging me with her nose and pulling out the first real laugh I've had all week. I am so enraptured with the beautiful creature in front of me that I do not notice the pair of sea blue eyes watching carefully from the door of the stalls. Nor do I notice the mouth turn into an angry scowl as Pietro holds my waist to help me onto my destrier before mounting his own. By the time we turn towards the door, our audience has vanished from sight.

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