The Night

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Phone view:
Billie: hey! This is Y/v right?
You: hey and yeah it is!
Billie: cool, thanks for checking if I was ok btw! That was so sweet of you to do that!
You: it's no problem, gotta look out for everyone ya know!
Billie: haha, so nice to See some actually really people than some fake Ass Users :)
You: i know right! I expected you to give me a dirty look and Walk away
Billie: dUdE! No way would I do that! I mean Someone else might but that's not me. Hey, I have an idea, meet me at the Spider enclosure in like twenty mins?
You: sure :) I gotta check with the Madre first before I get a beating for walking of
Billie: LMAO, See ya then!
You: yeah, see you then can't wait ;)

As you look up from your phone-screen, you walk straight into an Old man,
You: I'm so sorry sir! I wasn't looking where I was going!
The old man just gives you a horrible dirty look and keeps walking tutting his head

Mum: Wow you sure know how to make an Old man Hate you, he nearly pissed his pants as you did it *everyone laughs*
You: ma, do you mind if In twenty mins I can go to the spider section? My friends here and wants to meet me *smile*
Mum: Hmm.. I'm not sure, I mean Brachia wants to see the Parrots Show and the birds of prey, that show lasts an Hour and an half? If that's ok or long enough? You have your phone so just text me if somethings wrong ok
You: *Smile* thank you so much mum! I'll leave now as it takes that long to get around anyway *you giggle*
Mum: be safe ok! Give me a Shout ok if you need anything!
You: I know ma I know, I'll see you soon! Have fun Brachia!
Brachia: be safe! I Love you

You Walk at a fast face to get round to where You are going to meet Billie. As you walk past the entrance, you notice Five or six Press Vans outside, you thought they where just filming for tv. Out of the corner of your eye you notice a guy say "Is that billie?", but you ignored them and carried on walking.
It had been around twenty minutes and you could see the Spiders Entrance at the end of the path and you could see Billie standing there with a large Man wearing a suite and an earpiece. Finally as you got closer Billie spotted you and ran up to you and gave you the biggest hug ever.
Billies POV:
There she is! She looked so beautiful omg her outfits where so fire! DAM, I feel like I've known her For ever, I feel so comfortable around her, maybe I should give her a hug or something? Fuck it. Here I go.

Your POV:
I saw Billie running up to me and my heart skipped a beat. Her huge smile made me feel so warm. It was like I've known her for years. I started running to, we clashed and nearly fell over from the large embrace.

Billie: Hey Y/v took your time I see *laughs*
You: yeah there's so many people today and I got caught between some News guy
Billie: always filming here I guess *grabs your arm* come on! Let's go in, I booked so we can hold the spiders

Billie dragged you by the arm inside the Spiders Building. It was warm in there and Billie looked around in amazing, she looked at every enclosure and smiled. A manager walked up to us And interrupted the moment,
Manager: Hello m'am you must be Billie?
Billie: That's me yes.
Manager: ok what Spiders first?
Billie: Y/v you choose!
You: *pause* the biggest ones you have
*Billie looked at you in shock and Started laughing*
Billie: wow, you sure are brave
You: what? I love Spiders. There my BY FAR my favourite creatures ever.
Billie: Me to! I don't know why people get so scared of them.. there so cute

The manager walks back into the room and Places the Spider onto billies hand.
Manager: this is Flavio, he's our biggest Australian Spider, he's a huntsman and is fully grown. Don't make to many sudden movements as he can be very dangerous.

Suddenly the attention was drawn to the door. There was hundreds of people outside with cameras. Billie looked at the guy and Nodded her head as a signal.
Billie: sorry, is there a place more private we could go?
Manager: sure *takes the spider back* through that corridor and to the left.
Billie: thanks *smiles and grabs your hand* come on we've got to hurry.

As you start to walk faster through the corridor, you was so confused.
You: what's going on? Who are those people?
Billie: the press, probably looking at someone else who was in there with us... *she smiles softly but looks Down*
You: I know we just met but..
*she interrupted you*
Billie: I think it would be better if we went. Want to come to mine tonight? We can watch a movie and You could sleep round, if it's cool with your mum? I'll pick you up at 5?
You: id love to, I'd have to cancel Some plans first.
Billie: Of course *smiles and winks* also can I tell you something?
You: of course you can. What's up?
Billie: well...

Part 2: new one tomorrow set timers🥰

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