Album release

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Welcome back ;)

You all took separate cars. Billie handed her keys to my dad because he wanted to know what it felt like to drive a Roles Royce. Billie and I drove my lambo. My mum and Brachia took the Tesla and we all set of to billies house.
Billie: bro, your speakers bass is to DIE FOR
You: I got them custom made so they have a shit stronger bass than most cars can handle.
Billie: look empty lane,
You: you wanna go fast? *winks*
Billie: do I?

And before she could say anything else, you put your lambo into ludicrous mode and it went like a rocket. You opened all windows so billies and yours Hair was flying everywhere.
You slammed your brakes as you took the turning, causing both you and Billie to fly forward.
Billie: mama.... THAT WAS CRAZY AWSOME
You: there's so many more modes and it goes faster Baby girl *smiles and pulls into Billies road*
Billie: I think we lost your Parents *giggles*
You: no they went the same speed *points to them pulling up.
Billie: holy Fuck my Roles Royce can go that fast?
You: mhmm *laughs and walks round and opens billies door, taking her hand so she could step out*

Everyone got out of the car and Maggie opened the door to welcome us in.
Billie: oh and mum,
Maggie: yes?
Billie: this is Y/v 's dad
Maggie: *shakes his hand* hello Officer *salutes along with Patrick and finn*
Finn: why are you all standing there! Come in! Billie let's go record the last one. We have two hours,
Billie: *takes your hand* come on let's go

You three ran upstairs and into Finneas' Bedroom where He had part of the song recording, but only the ending.
Billie: *puts headphones on and pulls out notebook from Under Finns desk* Finn, I used some words from what happened last night... if that's ok with you Y/v?

She looked you on the eye and saw that you was hurt but you was ok with it.
You: I mean it's the past now, go ahead *smiles and perched on the couch*

Billie and Finneas had finished, Finn was editing the song and added it to the album list. The album had 42.9 million people who have already purchased the album before it has come out. So they where under pressure to get it added. Eventually Finn called his Company and they added it, with Five-teen minuets to spare. Billie posted on her story that there's only five teen minuets left before it comes out. You three ran downstairs and into the living room where Maggie has a countdown on the Tv ready. She had a table of food set up along with some drinks and everyone was sat on the Couches or on the floor. Ten minutes. 5 minutes. 2 minutes.
Everyone: 9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2
Billie: ONE WOOOOO!!!
Everyone got up and started jumping around. Maggie, Patrick's, yours, billies and Finneas Phones crashed , along with your parents to. Maggie poured everyone drinks, your and Billie had boba Tea's. You all celebrated by singing every song from her new album and just having a good time.
Maggie: oh my god
Billie: what?!
Patrick: huh?
Maggie: you've got Spots twelve to one full album in iTunes, Spotify and sound cloud.
Patrick: And Apple Music!
Billie: no fucking way!!!
You: omg congrats baby! *hugs Billie tight and kisses her*
Billie: thank you mama!
Dad: well done billie! Wow you sure are talented as fuck
Maggie: she sure is *wiping tears*
Billie: mama are you crying? *hugs mum*
You: she's not the only one

Everyone in the room burst into tears where they where so happy
Maggie: soo! Australia soon, Y/v I've added your dad to the flight!
You: really?! *hugs maggie* thank you thank you
Billie: *hold your face* stop crying mama!
You: I can't stop! *goes into Billies embrace*

Maggie: Billie, can I speak to you a second?
Billie: yeah sure, what about?...

Billie Eilish- I'm falling Where stories live. Discover now