Your House

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Welcome back :)

Billie Pulls up onto your driveway as you turn down the music.
You: are you ready to meet my mum? *lokks down nervously*
Billie: *places hand on her leg* hey, I'm sure it will be ok *smiles* I mean what could go wrong?
You: your right *smiles* I have a younger sister so she may Come in the way but I'll lock my doors *laughs*
Billie: *laughing* at least I'm not the Annoying younger sister this time.

Billie gets out of the car and opens the door around my side
Billie: my lady *smiles and presses button on her keys to open the boot*
You: thank you *kisses cheek* let me get your bags this time
Billie: no! *runs at the boot at the same time as you but you grab the bags first and you all go into a fit of laughter*
You: JHEEZ you tryna kill me you... *the front door opens and your mum stands in the doorway Laughing*
Mum: I think the man on the moon could hear you two laughing!
You: ma! *runs over and Hugs her but hits her with a bag*
Mum: bloody hell what the fuck are in those bags *clutching her Rib* and you must be Billie *smiling*
Billie: Yes Miss (your last name), it's good to meet you finally!
Mum: you can call me Gabriela, or mum
You: ma! You gonna let us through the front door or not?
Billie: *laughing*
Mum: ok sorry someone's got a big ass wedgie, Go on girls, go upstairs, also one thing Billie *stops her from going up the stairs*
Billie: yes?
Mum: we are all Vegan in this house? Is that ok?
Billie: me to! I'm vegan and my family are to *smiling*

Billie laughs as she runs up the stairs as you Roll your eyes at your mother.
You: this is my room, *Turns on red lighting* do you mind this colour?
Billie: DUDE THIS IS SICK! OMG! *runs over to your display case of some Anime girl figures* you like this shit to! 
You: DUH! I mother fucking LOOOOVE IT! All those girls are bad ass and it's just funny to watch *laughing*
Billie: Bro, this cannot be real *flops onto your bed* I have no words
You: I do *you walk over to her and plant a kiss on her Lips very softly*
Billie: dam baby girl you playing with me *bites lip*
You: sure am *you wink and Tie your hair into a messy bun*

She walks into the room with a huge Waiters push trolly thing filled with Food, along with two Wine Glasses and Some water.
You: are you tryna embarrass me? Because it's not working
Billie: DAYUM! Y'all eat in style *smiles* thank you for the Food, second mum
Mum: *laughing* no problem Billie, also I LOVE your style
Brachia: MUM! I want some fish and chips not this!
Mum: what have I told you OMG *the voices fade out as she shuts the door*

Billie: *laughs* your little sisters so cute! Baby's are so cute
You: I wish I could have one *smiles*
you both go into a fit of laughter and roll around the bed and floor for around 20 mins or so, you lost track of time at this point.

You: omg *wiping tears* I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life *gets up*
Billie: me neither *lauging* we should I probably change for bed
You: I didn't even realise the time!

You got up to get changed  and you  grab a Black and white Stripped Crop top and billies jumper, you also  putt in a pair of Small shorts underneath The hoodie, as it covered to your knees.
Billie: SHIT I left my tee-shirt at home *worried look*
You: it's ok, I have a black Strappy one you can use *smiles and get it out of the draw*
Billie: ok I'll try and wear that *lauging at it* your so tiny
You: I just grew up small I can't help that *laughing and flops onto bed*
Billie: *turns around* omg My boobs are gonna fall out of this *laughing*

She laid down on the bed and took a video on her Instagram explaining the situation and I can't stop laughing in the back ground.
Billie: dude, your waist must be tiny *tickles you*
You: *squirming* I might have Big boobs but I sure have a tiny ass waist *laughing*
Billie: *smiles and turns on your tv* look I already worked that one out!
You: let's watch... *you got cut of * OMG I have a nose bleed!
Billie: umm lemme get a tissue!
You: I think there's one here! * you grab a white shirt thinking it was one* great! My white shirts now red my BLOODY NOSE is bleeding!
Billie: hood that thought *starts clicking along to someone and pulls out a note book* you've given me an idea to write a song!
You: what? *confused*
Billie: *starts singing a melody as she writes* White Shirt now red my Bloody nose
You: bleeding?
You: *get up and tip toe around her*
Billie: your on your tippy toes creep in'
You: *laughing* omg your so amazing at this *you change the colour to a white so she can see better*
Billie: thanks! *blushing* around like no one else thinks your so? Your so? Hmm *looks around at the criminal anime Girl* CRIMINAL
She starts to sing her lyrics all together
You: omg you sound like an angel *tears to your eyes*
Billie: white shirt, now red my bloody nose, sleeping your on your tippy toes creepin, around like no one knows, think your so Criminal...
You: that sounds amazing! More more! * you sling your arm around her*
Billie: ok... *kisses your Head* lets carry on...

Today's one maybe a little confusing as I have used BAD GUY in the others, but, I'm gonna be changing that one in the older Chapter to Something else. I hope you are smiling Angel!💞 love you all and happy reading!🥰❤️

Billie Eilish- I'm falling Where stories live. Discover now