One by.... ONE

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Hello! Who's Going to the London pop up?! ME are you?!!! Anyway! Enjoy my loves :)

Billie: *gets into the tour bus* BRO
You: *carry's luggage up* can I have some help? *laughs then falls back down the step*
Maggie: OMG ARE YOU OK?!
Billie: *laughing at you then comes over to help you* Im so sorry *laughing*
You: *laughing while grabbing your back* I'm good, ish *gets up* Billie can you look at my back?
Billie: sure, lift your hoodie...
Maggie: umm Billie, she had no...
You: I do don't worry *giggles and shows shorts under the Hoodie*
Finn: jheez billie just have a look
Billie: ok ok *Pulls up your hoodie and haves a look* dayum you hit your back hard....
You: I can feel it bleeding....
Billie: well *unclips Bra strap for jokes and puts hoodie back down*
You: *you turn around and Knowingly what she had done and Giggles and whispers as you got started to drag your suitcase back up the stairs* you cheeky bitch
Billie: *kisses your cheek* I know, try and keep em up
Claudia: *holding billies luggage* where do you want these... these bitches are heavy asf
Billie: *giggles* over here please *points to a little cupboard* look! *points to the bed chambers and runs over* I can stand up! It's so small I'm here
Finn: how am I going to stand up I'm going to have to Crouch...
You: *runs over* I'm Just to short *stands in front of Billie and your a lot smaller*
Billie: *rests arms on your Head and puts hers on there* MIDGET
You: *turning around and hugs her* SHUT THE FUCK UP
Billie: nope nope *hugs you back* dibs on The double bunk!
Maggie: Umm don't you think we should have that?
Finn: Mum, let her have it *nudges her and Claudia to go and sort the Rest of the cases out*
Billie: YES! *punches fist into the air and accidentally punches the Ceiling* OW SON OF A...
You: SHHHH! Where should I sleep? *looks at billie*
Billie: with me Dumbass , why else would I choose the double bunker *laughs*
You: well then *climbs up and lays on it* dam this is comfy as hell
Billie: not as comfy as you would be with me *jumps up and lays next to you*

And before you knew it, you both fell asleep. You had been sleeping for around five hours, you where both awaken by a team of People who tickles you both awake. Billie jumped out of her skin and she sat up so quickly she forgot about the low roofing over the bed and whacked her head so hard.
Billie: OW YOU BOZO's *clutching head*
You: *laughing then yawns* what's going on
Billie: *awkward smile* thanks
You: *slides out of the bed* Aww you guys are so sweet *puts hoodie up and runs eyes* matey I'm a mess.
Billie: *slides out* Babe stfu
Maggie: come and sit down you two *smiles*

You both go a sit down. You notice something un-usual about the cake..
You: umm guys, where did you get the cake..?
Chris: oh why? *smirks*
Billie: why what's up?.. *you give her a look and she notices the same* yeah Chris where did you buy this...
Chris: *Snapping* that's for me know

Eventually everyone Saw it,
Billie: dude, what the fuck is that on the side?
Chris:.... icing *half smile*
Billie: NO THAT! *points to it*

This took nearly A day and a half to write so it's very short! I'm sorry my loves! A extra two tomorrow I promise🥰🥰

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