First show

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Hello! Sorry for the Violence but there may be more here. Sorry if you don't like blood or anything! Just a warning before you read❤️ this also includes my experience with sleep paralysis... so enjoy :)

You try and move your Arm But you couldn't. You where sat up straight frozen. You try and shut your eyes but they where glued open. You tried to kick your leg, your mind was doing it but your leg wasn't. Billie. You tried to screen Billie Multiple times but all that came out was a faint whisper. You where trapped in a body of isolation. Unable to move you see a shadow. It slowly reaches for you, you let out a scream, but this time You actually woke up. Panting. You found it hard to catch your breathe. Billie Awoke very quickly.
Billie: omg are you ok?!
You: what... what happened, I couldn't move Then all of a sudden a hand came for me... then I actually woke up.
Billie: Sleep paralysis? I get that a lot *lays you back down* it will be ok baby, deep breathes *picks up phones to check time* hey, it's 6:30, maybe we should just stay awake now *smiles and yawns*
You: o... ok *switches on the light* I'm so sorry that I woke you up *yawns*
Billie: it's not a problem *rubs eyes* omg don't look at me I look terrible *giggles*
You: *moves hands from her face* you could never look terrible *smiled and kisses Her Forehead*
Billie: Whats That on your lip?
You: is don't know I... *billie stoped you mid sentence and kissed you passionately* I love you so much
Billie: I love you more! WHOS READY FOR THE SHOWWWW!
You: MEEEE! You'll smash it baby! And Finneas to!
Claudia knocks on the Double bunk door,
You: yes?
Claudia: Everyones up, they heard most of your convo *laughs*
Billie: really? *laughs and draws back curtain*
Claudia: yes you two are very VERY loud
Billie: *gets out then takes your hand to help you* sorry, what's for breakfast? I'm hungry AS FUCK
You: *stomach rumbles* do you hear this bitch?! It's eating my insides
Claudia: *laughing* avocado on toast for everyone then

Claudia, Billie and you walked into the main area of the tour bus and billies whole team was here.
Billie: oh hey you guys
Martin: heyy Billie, *mocks British Accent* or should I say Good morning, what banging weather it is today
You: *laughing* save that for the Posh end of London
Billie: *smiles* bro first show For London in AGES man this is the shit, this is AWSOME
Martin: we got sound checks In four hours. We have to drive the bus There I'm around Twenty Mins so everyone eat up.
Maggie: Patrick, Finneas, Claudia and I are going to use the Other tour bus. So Billie you can have some Privacy and Things for changing as there's not enough room for all of us.
Billie: are you sure? I feel like I'm pushing you out?
Finneas: we would rather have our own room anyway. We will stay in here all the time don't worry we won't be separated during the day *laughing*
Claudia: it will just be at night, but we need to Get onto the other busses for now, *picks up luggage*
Finneas: we will be chilling in the other busses to get our luggage sorted. You two get changed and ready. Behave *winks*
Billie: can't promise anything *winks back and smirks at you*
You: what the fuck does.... OOOOOH... yeah can't promise anything *smug look and everyone's laughs as they get of with their luggage*
Billie: I brought you something *smiles* I was wondering if you would like to wear it today?
You: I would love to!
Billie: it's something you won't be used to... but will you try it? *smiles and opens luggage*
You: of course I will! Anything for you *smiles*
Billie: ok *pulls out a tight Black dress, along with a Gucci fanny pack, a pair of Sunglasses and a bunch of jewellery* it's nothing much *blushes*
You: OMG... *you run and hug billie* I haven't worn a dress since I was like.... five *laughs*
Billie: *looks at you* I mean you don't have to wear it...
You: *cut her of* OF COURSE IM wearing it dumb dumb *takes everything*
Billie: dumb dumb... I've gotta start using that *laughs* and I'm glad you like it *smiles* your waist is quite Small, but I don't know weather your tiddies will fall out of it *laughs*
You: *mocking her* Tiddies
Billie: shut the hell up dude *laughs*
You: Ima go get changed behind the Wall thing
Billie: ok I'll sit here,

Billies Phone view:
Issac: hey! Where ya been!
Billie: London dumb dumb
Eli: dumb dumb woah calm it avocado
Billie: stop calling me that 😂
Issac: yeah Eli, hows it going there?
Billie: good, just gave her my gift, talk later she's asking me to Help her
Eli: don't try anything naughty ;)
Billie: your lucky I'm not there to punch you right now :/

(Sorry the Font stoped half way through for some reason 🤔)

You: *walk out and Stands there for a second as her jaw hangs out* your gonna catch a fly if you don't shut that mouth soon *giggles* my tiddies are gonna fall out so don't run anywhere
Billie: OMG you look so... *licks lips* HAWT
You: why thank you baby girl! *blushes* what shoes should I Wear with this?
Billie: I brought some high heels for you to *smiles and takes them out of her case. They where black and Sparkly all over*
You: omg you really are touching my feminine side *laughs* I LOVE THEM

There was a nock on the tour bus door and Claudia comes in,
Claudia: drivers got to start travelling now, be quick
Driver: Girls be careful while walking around the bus while moving *smiles and sits down *
Billie: ok thank you *looks at you* I'm just gonna get changed
You: ok need help *joking*
Billie: I would love some help *laughs*
You: ok then come on *laughing*
Billie: *pushes you* don't worry, I can do it, maybe next time....
Driver: GIRLS voices down please.
Billie: woopsie Sorry...
Driver: it's ok I just wanted to scare you *evil laugh*
You: Nal mal... (it's a saying)
Billie: anyway, sit there and try not to split the dress *laughs*
You: ok I can't promise anything.

The driver started to play classical music as you started to drive of. You helped Billie stretch But you couldn't do much because of your dress. You both dances around the bus and fell over a couple of times. You started to pull up to the venue.
Billie: it's show time *smiles*

Here's a photo from my view at the show in March this year in London

Here's a photo from my view at the show in March this year in London

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