Jealousy Date

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"Hey, Roxas!" Sora runs up to Roxas who is waiting in front of an icecream truck.

"Yeah, Sora?" Roxas hands some munny to the guy in the truck.

"Would you go on a date with me tomorrow night?"

"Ummm...why?" Roxas inquires. least he didn't say 'no' immediately.

"Well...uh...well you see...I...I want to ask Kairi out on a date, but I'm afraid she'll say no and that she's into someone else so...I'm trying to find another date to make her jealous so maybe she'll ask me..."

Roxas stands in thought for a second before answering, "Nice idea, but I'll have to say no. Sorry, Sora."

Sora begins to pout, "But why?"

"Well, first, Xion and Axel and I are going to be hanging out tomorrow night, then-"

"But you guys always hang out every night!" Sora interrupts.

"Well, yeah...and I would like to keep it that way because that's the best time of every day...Now, what I was going to say was that, second, whether it's fake or not...I'd rather not have anyone think I'm dating anyone or that I'm into anyone that I'm not."

"I...guess that's understandable..." Sora grumbles.

"Sorry again, Sora." Roxas picks up three sea salt icecreams from the guy in the icecream truck. "Maybe you should just build up the courage to ask Kairi yourself. "

"Ahhh, well...maybe..." Sora rubs the back of his head sheepishly.

"Well, whatever happens, good luck, Sora!" Roxas waves goodbye at Sora, then turns to walk away from him, icecreams in hand.

Sora begins to walk the opposite way, towards the park, taking out a small notepad and a pen from his pocket. He starts flipping through the notepad as he walks.

Everyone said no.

Sora sighs.

First, I tried all the girls because that's usually how you play the jealousy game when you're trying to make other girls jealous, but Xion said no for about the same reasons as Roxas, Selphie because she has a boyfriend and is already going on a date with him, and Namine just said no because she's busy...although, 'busy' probably just means busy drawing in her room alone...

Sora sits down on a swing on the swingset across from a bench and continues to flip through pages.

I decided not to try Larxene because no...just no...So, I switched to asking all the guys I knew even though it probably wouldn't work as well. It was the only way I could continue with my plan. So...I asked Axel, and he said no because he just didn't want to. Demyx said no because he had a date with his sitar...I didn't ask Marluxia because once again, no...just no...Tidus said he had a date with his girlfriend, Wakka is sick, Ventus has to go to sword practice, and I already know why Roxas said no...

All of the people Sora asked had their names written down in the notepad and were crossed out, except for Roxas, whose name Sora spots at the bottom of one of the pages before crossing it off. Sora tries to brainstorm anyone else he can ask as he flips to the next page of the notepad. He pauses, however, when he spots a single name at the top of the page. He looks at the name, then up at the bench before he walks over to sit by the person sitting on that bench.

"Hey, Sora. What's that notepad for?"

"Oh, uh, I'll tell you in a second," Sora replies, embarrassed, as he sits down on the bench.

Awkward silence ensues before Sora finally asks, "So, uh...Riku?"


"Would you, um...maybe...go out on a date with me tomorrow night?"

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