Cleaning Up

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"Uhhh trasssshhhhhhh!"

"What, Sora?" Riku asks as he walks into the living room where Sora is.

"The kitchen floor's all crumby, there's lotsa dirty dishes, the couch pillows are on the ground...a lot!"

"Well...ummm...It's not that bad. I mean...I agree we should clean some stuff,'s not nearly as bad as your old room was. Compared to that, this house is like a ton of freshly cleaned laundry."

"I know..." Sora plops down on the couch. "This is just our new house together and...I want it to be nice."

Riku smiles, "Awww, Sora. I appreciate the thought." He walks up to Sora and Sora turns his head up to him, then Riku bends down to give him a soft kiss on the nose.

Sora blushes, "Riku...would you help me clean up some?"

Riku thinks for a second before answering, "I have to go to the store to restock the kitchen...just go ahead and start without me. I'll help you once I get back, okay?"

"Got it Riku!"

Riku walks out of the living room and through a hallway to the front door, then opens it. "Bye, Sora! I love you and I'll be right back!"

"I love you too, Riku! See ya!"

After Riku walks out and shuts the front door, Sora stands up and looks out over the kitchen. "What should I start doing?" he asks aloud. Then, he pulls his phone out of his pocket and walks upstairs to his and Riku's room to grab his headphones. He connects them to his phone as he walks back downstairs, then puts them on as he walks into the kitchen. He starts his playlist and puts his phone in his pocket as he says, "Let's start with dishes."


Riku pushes his shopping cart through the aisles. "Let's see...bread...cereal...fruit...what else do we need..." he mutters to himself. "Oh yeah...we need more mustard." He pushes the cart down to the aisle with condiments.

Sora's so sweet.

Riku grabs a mustard bottle off the shelf and drops it in the cart.

He cares so much. I bet he's working hard trying to clean up.

He starts off towards the cash register, but quickly changes direction.

I think I'm going to surprise him with something...


Riku walks through the front door, carrying bags of groceries, then walks into the kitchen and sets them down on a counter. "Wow..." he mutters in awe as he looks around the room, "he did such an amazing job cleaning up."


Riku turns his head towards the door leading into the living room. "What's that?" He walks towards the doorway, and as he stands in it, he finds Sora dusting the shelves in the living room and singing.

"What's left of meee...Snwod dna spu ynam os..." Sora taps his foot to the beat. "My heart's a battleground...Snoitome eurt deen I...Wonk uoy naht noitceffa erom deen I...Snoitome eurt deen I..."

It's hard to get the backwards speak down, but...he's doing an amazing job.

Riku watches, smiling at Sora as he sings while dusting.

"My fears. My lies...melt awahayhay..." As the song finishes, Sora finishes dusting and walks over to the couch, not noticing Riku who still stands in the doorway. "I'm going to take a short break." He closes his eyes and begins singing as the next song turns on, "I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me. I still feel your touch in my dreams my dreams...Forgive me my weakness but I don't know why...Without you it's hard to survive!" Then, as the next lines come, Sora stands up and begins to dance, spinning around in a circle before leaping around the room, eyes still closed, "Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling...and everytime we kiss I swear I could fly!" He only opens his eyes occasionally to make sure he won't die. "Can't you feel my heart beat fast, I want this to last. Need you by my side...Cause everytime we touch, I feel the static...and everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky! Can't you hear my heart beat slow...I can't let you go. Want you in my life..."

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