Twilight Prince

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A/N: Before we begin, the picture above was made by KittenUmbra (and they did an amazing job!). Don't repost it without their permission. This is a Zora Sora and Twili Riku AU, and it takes place in the Hyrule of Twilight Princess in an era of peace.

There's not too many guards in the domain, but it's definitely a long way from Lake Hylia. Good thing Sora happens to be a silent swimmer (when he tries), so when he dives down the waterfall into the water below and swims down Zora's River, no one seems to notice.

He eventually arrives at the waterfall that pours into lake Hylia, and his heartbeat accelerates in excitement. He gracefully dives down the waterfall into the lake below, making not a sound as his body rushes through the cool of the water, and every sensation of a graceful performance surges through his heart.

He feels like he could not feel more alive, more happy, more excited in this moment as he swims over to the piece of land hugging the wall to his left. And when he emerges from the water and walks ashore, he shifts his gaze up to the moon, softly glowing, lighting up the night along with the brightest of stars.

Truly, Lake Hylia is most beautiful at night.

Sora nearly smells him before he is swept off his feet. He knows it's him when the smell of darkness (rich dark chocolate and lavender) invades his senses.

Sora giggles as he gazes up into the face of his "kidnapper", eyes sparkling. He wraps his arms around his neck. "Riku!"

And as Riku gazes down at Sora's face, smiling, he lovingly says, "Sora."

Sora had been wrong before. Somehow, he feels even more alive, excited, overjoyed even, in the presence of his boyfriend. His boyfriend manages to make Lake Hylia even more beautiful with his presence, and Sora revels in it.

Before, Sora had to describe his mother the joy he felt, the immeasurable beauty he saw in Riku (inside and out), everything, to know that he was in love.

Forever, Sora could gaze into those sharp, yet loving, ruby eyes, run his fingers through his short, ombre orange hair (lightest shade at the top down to the darkest at the bottom), trail a finger from his pale white cheek down to his black fingertips, and kiss his, somehow, eternally soft, smooth lips.

Riku lowers his boyfriend to the ground so he can stand, and gently takes one of his smooth, pale pink hands. The darkness of the night hides his light blush as he slowly raises Sora's hand and plants a soft kiss atop it. "I seem to have captured the Twilight Prince," he jokes.

Again, Sora giggles, music to Riku's ears, and after Riku slowly lowers his hand, letting go of Sora's, Sora takes Riku's other hand in his, and plants a similar, yet sloppier kiss atop it. "And I suppose I must've been captured by a Zora Prince, haven't I?"

Riku's smile grows, and he stares at Sora, taking in all of him from his adorable smile, to his fins, to his piercing eyes, and he loses himself. He loses himself in those eyes like always does.

Sora's eyes are both as serene as Lake Hylia and as strong as the raging sea, yet somehow contain an endless expanse of sky for Riku to get lost in. Sora's eyes hold the promise of the freedom that they both so desperately desire, and Riku can do nothing but believe in them, because Sora makes him feel more free than he's ever been.

Sora chuckles. "You just gonna stand there like a creeper?"

And that brings Riku out of his Sora induced trance. "Wha-what? No. I uh- Sorry..." He rubs the back of his neck in embarrassment.

Sora laughs, and takes both of Riku's hands in his. "Close your eyes."

"O-okay..." Riku closes his eyes as he blushes harder. What's he going to do?

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