Soriku Crack Drabbles Compilation Part 3

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A/N: Note that this is a collection of some random situations and stuff. Because it's crack, some characters may be ooc and stuff will be exaggerated. Don't take it seriously, these are mostly to make jokes.
Warning: There are some kh3 references so....

Riku finally gathers up the courage to do what he's been putting off for so long. He takes a deep breath. "Sora...I love-"

"Riku, why are you talking to that pillow?" Sora appears in the doorway of Riku's room.

He launches the pillow, then turns around to face Sora, a nervous smile on his face. "NOTHING!"


"Here ya go, Riku!" Ventus and Roxas say in unison.

Riku turns around.

Roxas smirks, "We prepared this just for you."

"We think you should confess your love to this Sora doll!"

Riku stares in shock at the mannequin wearing Sora's clothes and a wig, fashioned to look like Sora's hair, before him. "You want me to...pretend this is...Sora?"

The two speak in unison once again, holding up a finger, "You should get some practice."

Riku clenches his fists and squeezes his eyes shut. "I-I...fine," he concedes, reluctantly. His eyes relax, and he imagines the scenery of a dream. A field of colorful flowers as far as the eye can see appear in his mind, and when he opens his eyes, the mannequin is not an expressionless doll, but actually Sora, smile and all. "S...S-Sora..."

"Yeah, Riku?" the fake Sora smiles.

"Sora...I..." He clenches his fist and walks up to the fake Sora and gives him a big hug, burying his face in his shoulder.


"I...I tell you...for a while...that-"


Everything changes, and once again, Riku's in a dimly lit room with the expressionless mannequin. He quickly unwraps his arms from the mannequin and blocks it from view of the real Sora, a look of shock on his face.

"Whatcha doing?" The real Sora tries to peek behind Riku's back in curiosity. "Who were you talking to?"

Riku panics, "Um- Well- I- N-n-n-n-nothing...I was...doing...nothing..."

Roxas, Ventus, and Lea chuckle to themselves.

Kairi, who came in behind Sora, however, walks around Riku as he tries to keep Sora from seeing behind him, and sees the mannequin. She immediately sees that it looks like Sora and balls up her fists, face growing red. Vanitas just so happens to be beside her.

"Calm it, Twinkle Toes," he crosses his arms. "You're gonna give yourself a blister."

Kairi runs out of the room.


Riku awakens with a jolt to a scream beside him. His eyes are open wide as he frantically checks Sora beside him, who's currently tossing and turning.

"Let me out," Sora says in a voice that's not his own.

Riku's heart races, sweat running down his face as he puts a hand to Sora's forehead to check his temperature.


Riku does his best to try to calm him down, and eventually, after a few hours, they both go to sleep in a bed completely soaked in sweat.

They both are forced to wake up an hour later for training.

Though Riku does fine, Sora doesn't, and it's obvious that if Riku is extremely  tired, Sora's beyond exhausted, and Riku's tired of it.

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