Soriku Crack Drabbles Compilation Part 1

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A/N: Note that this is a collection of some random situations and stuff. Because it's crack, some characters may be ooc and stuff will be exaggerated. Don't take it seriously, these are mostly to make jokes.
Warning: There are some kh3 references so....

Kairi sits down on Riku's bed. "I think you're obsessed."

Riku shuts the door to his room. "What are you talking about, Kai?"

Kairi sighs. "I mean with Sora."

"I don't know what-"

"Oh, really?" Kairi interrupts. She scoots off the bed and walks over to Riku's closet.


Kairi opens the closet and is immediately bombarded by and buried in a pile of plushy figures. Just, done, Kairi emerges from the pile and sighs again, having realized what the plushy figures are, "You have too many plushies of Sora."

Riku crosses his arms and turns his head away from Kairi. "LIES!" he hisses.

Kairi raises an eyebrow, then picks up the plushies, one at a time, to throw at Riku. "Well, let's see then...we have...four-year-old Sora...fourteen-year-old Sora...fifteen-year-old Sora...Halloween town Sora...merman Sora...dream world Sora...Grid Sora...Sora in his new clothes he got right before the keyblade war...Pirate Sora... Geez, Riku, this isn't even all of them! How did you even get these?"

Riku let every one of the plushies hit him as Kairi threw them. "One can never have enough Soras."

Kairi places a hand over her face and sighs, "Dear God..."


"Riku! Riku!" Sora bounces into Riku's room in the mysterious tower.

Riku can't help but smile at his boyfriend as soon as he sees him. "What is it, Sora?"

"Riku! I think there's a new me clone!"

Riku gasps, "Whaaaaaat?! How have I not adopted them yet?!"

"I don't know!" Sora yells enthusiastically, even more excited now. "LET'S GO SEE!" Sora sprints out of the room, his arms spread out as if they were wings, and Riku follows.

They stop in Ventus's room where a male dressed in all black sulks in the corner.

The male turns to Sora and Riku. "Whaddya want?" he asks, frustrated and angry.

Sora's eyes light up. "See, Riku?! He looks almost exactly like me! He's got the hair except his is black and he's got the face except his eyes are yellow!"

"We are adopting him. Right now."

The edgy male grits his teeth. "Ya sure about that, buddy? I'll gut ya if you touch me."

Riku puts a hand on his chin in thought for a second before finally giving a snap. "I got it." He turns to Sora. "Hey, sweetheart?"

"Yeah?" Sora asks, growing more adorable by the second.

"Be yourself. It wins everyone over."

Sora nods. "Got it, Riku!"

"I don't care what you guys say! I will not do the right thing! I. AM. DARKNESS. And I will always- SORA, WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!"

Sora wrapped himself around the boy in the middle of his speech to hug him tightly.


Sora pats the top of the edgy boy's head while still embracing him. "No. Shush. Hugs. You can be a good person."

Riku smiles at both the scene and Sora's insane amount of adorableness. "You go, Sora."

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