
17 1 2

I hauled the dirty body through the cold room that was dimly lit with only a hanging lightbulb on the ceiling and a small window near the roof that brought in the moonlight, getting blood and dirt on my new sneakers that were actually the most expensive shoes I've ever bought. "Ughh" I moaned, pulling him into the chair with my almost spaghetti-like arms. "Such a heavy guy" I mumbled while adjusting my fingerless, black leather gloves.

I strutted over to a small grey office-like table and pulled open a small drawer with a long thick rope in it. I heard a low groan coming from the man behind me and quickly walked over to him as he was opening his eyes from his "short nap" as I like to call it. I tucked the rope into his armpit and skipped around him as his eyes were fluttering open. Once all of it was tightly wound around him, I tied the ends of it in a pretty bow.

By the end of my tying, he had woken up and started thrashing and trying to get his body from out of my very well done restraints, "yeah, no, unless you're a well-trained escape artist I doubt you will be getting out of those ropes any time soon." He mewled and I smiled "w-who are you? what do you want from me?" I sighed, the same questions every time can get repetitive" I'm Opal and I gotta kill ya" he looked at me, dumbfounded and semi-amused like I was stupid, and I am not stupid.

"You? Are you sure? Sorry, but you don't look like you could hurt a fly, princess" I hummed and turned around "whatever keeps you up at night or whatever that saying is" I shrugged, and pondered on where my knife was. I tapped my chin, gasping I quickly spun around to face the now more calmed down man "I'll be right back, don't miss me too much" I pat his head before he could jerk away and he scowled as I spun back around and ran up the dusty basement stairs that had a small amount of blood from when I dragged Mr. whatever his name is down them.

Once I reached the kitchen I went over to a square opening in the wall and grabbed my beautiful tempered steel blade. I strutted out of the room and back down the basement steps. Mr. calm raised his head to look at me as he heard my footsteps descending down the steep stairs. I put the knife to my lip and grinned. I probably looked crazy.

His eyes widened as I sauntered towards him, twirling the knife with my finger in the hole at the end of it. "So, what's your name Mister?" He looked at me weirdly "...Henry" he said hesitantly but obediently nonetheless, probably thinking I was going to spare him if he did what I said. I grabbed his shoulders and straddled his waist, studying his face. Henry was...well he was decent when it came to looks, which made it harder to kill him... Just kidding! He had tanned skin and a chiselled jaw, dark green eyes and was quite muscular. "well...Henry, do you know why you're here?" He shook his head "I really don't sir, I just want to get home to my family" I smirked at him when he called me sir "no need to be all formal, and if I may ask, which family is it that you're going home to?" I giggled when he looked at me crazily "h-how do you know about that?"

"I have my ways Henry, but I don't think your real family is going to miss you much. You abuse them physically, mentally and emotionally, now I don't think that sounds like a very good person to me, do you?" I said as I ran my knife down his cheekbone, drawing blood. "But anyway it's not my problem what you do and don't do, I'm getting paid at the end of the day either way."

He winced and tried to move away from my pretty knife, "you're not any better than me!" I hummed "maybe to you but I'm only punishing the people who need to be punished" I pouted even if it's not entirely true.

"but-" he cried out in pain as I sliced into his arm "you talk too much" he whimpered and I smiled. "this might hurt hun" I pulled his shirt up and saw his six-pack. I gripped onto my knife and started carving my initials into his stomach and sighing while he cried and pleaded for me to stop. I grinned when I finished. "Perfect." He looked at me with tears and pain on his face.

I heard sirens in the distance and gasped "oops they're coming sooner than expected, someone must've heard you, silly boy" he cried harder "shh it's okay, it'll be over soon, okay?" he nodded weakly "close your eyes for me, baby" he closed his eyes, and I slit his throat.

His breathing stopped and I smiled, watching the life drain from his body. I gasped again hearing the sirens coming closer. I quickly washed my gloves and hid them in my shorts, then washed my knife and slipped it into my thigh-high.

I quickly ran up the stairs two at a time and to the front door. Once I was there, I quickly masked my face with fear and ran out the door to where the police were walking up the steps, they saw me and quickly made their way over to my distressed self.

"Officers you gotta help me, there was a guy in there with a knife and he was slicing some guy up. He made me watch it... I was so scared! I thought I was going to die" Through faked tears I continued; "I escaped before he could get to me, he heard the sirens and ran, I don't know if the guy in the basement is still alive." I whimpered and sobbed as they nodded along "ok kid, thank you for telling us" they ran past me and into the house.

Police are so stupid, you'd think they would be smarter. I mean c'mon, my outfit is so slutty, you can see the gloves tucked into my shorts and I was wearing earrings that had upside-down crosses on them. Surely I'd be a prime suspect?

Another down, this job is too easy, you'd think I'd get bored but nope this never gets old. I strutted down the sidewalk while wiping away the tears that had now stopped trailing down my face but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a boy my physical age (20-23). He looked at me like he knew something and I wiped the remaining tears, winked, blew a kiss to him and strutted away.

It's not like I'll ever see him again, no harm in some fun.


this is the improved version of the chapter I had already published I just added more story and more depth into it and my best friend edited it for me if I missed any mistakes or wrote something wrong. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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