I'm Baby

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Hi, my name is Aiden Amor and I'm 19. I have white hair and vibrant green eyes that almost glow in the dark, pretty cool right? Anyway, I'm a submissive or a little as others say and my daddy is the coolest...or was. He gives me cuddles and tickles and even though he leaves me alone at home a lot he always makes up for it when he comes back home, sometimes he hits me but he says it's out of love so it's fine I think.

I woke up at the early hours of the morning to scary noises coming from daddy's room, I was worried something happened to him so I grabbed Bonnie-bear and snuck quietly over to daddy's room while checking my surroundings to make sure no monsters were coming to grab me as a sneak attack.

Everything seemed normal so I waddled over to his room as the scary noises got louder and louder, his door was cracked open slightly so I pushed it open more, using Bonnie-bear as a shield from any monsters that were planning on attacking me. "Sowwy Bonnie-bear it's either you or me goin' down in this fight and it's not gonna be me" I apologised to him.

Once the door was open enough for me to see inside I wasn't prepared for what I saw in front of me. Daddy was laying on the bed on his back with a boy on top of him bouncing up and down moaning, there weren't any monsters just him and daddy having cummies together.

I slipped out of my submissive state and covered my mouth from the loud sobs that were soon to come out. I quietly closed the door and ran back into my room and grabbed my mint green backpack and started to aggressively pack my things into it.

I couldn't believe the things I had just seen, how could he do this to me... I loved him, I thought he loved me back. There was no going back now, I packed my binkies, Miss Regina and Mr Gilbert, I stuffed my blankie in there and a few clothes and underwear.

I heard a small yip and shushed snowball my adorable white Pomeranian "shh baby mommy's going on a trip and won't be back for a long time okay?" Snowball whined and sat on my feet, I giggled quietly through my tears and picked him up "you wanna come with me, baby?" I whispered, he yipped again and I smiled "okay let's go"

Once I closed my backpack up and threw on some short shorts and a big hoodie I got a crayon and a piece of paper and wrote a note on it to Daddy.

Dear Even

I'm leaving and I don't think I'll be coming back so don't hold your breath. I saw you and that whore in bed and I don't even think I can bear to be around you again. Have fun with him and I hope he can give you what I apparently couldn't. You can give him my stuff and my room because I left everything you ever gave me here, he can have those leftovers as well. I love you, have a nice life.

-Aiden x

With the note written, I quietly hurried down the stairs with Snowball and put the note on the kitchen table. I pulled the purple ring he gave me off my finger and put it on the note, after one last look around the house I pulled open the front door, smiled and walked out.

"Off to a new start, I guess" Snowball yipped and I giggled as we ran off to a new life. 

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