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"Shhhhhh come on quickly!" I giggled as he struggled to get through my window which was on the top floor, "Hey, don't laugh! Help me out" I grabbed him and pulled him through the open window. I still couldn't believe after 2 months that someone like him would want to date me!

Hello! I'm Alexander, I'm 17 and 2 months and love my best friend and boyfriend Ethan. I met Ethan 4 or so months ago out at a park because I was crying, some bullies at my school were beating me up and left me for dead after. He had come to save me and cheer me up which had caught me by surprise since he was... him.

Ethan and I both have greenish-brown eyes, he has dirty blonde hair and I have strawberry blonde, we were quite the odd pair some would say, while he was tall and relatively buff, I was small and skinny. He came over to my house since we met every night at 10 pm and then he would stay the night.

"What do you wanna do this time," he asked after pecking my lips, making me grin and blush "let's watch a movie, yeah?" I nodded at him and he sat on my bed while I set up a movie.

"Wanna watch Frozen again?" I asked with puppy dog eyes. I loved Frozen, it was my favourite movie, yet again I loved every Disney movie. He rolled his eyes and nodded to which I grinned again.

My mom and dad didn't know about Alexander, somehow they've never seen him before and didn't know he existed, whenever I'm about to introduce him something happens and they never find out.

Ethan went to a different school and was the star quarterback which mainly is why I'm so shocked as to why he wants to be with me, he's so gorgeous and popular, and I'm just me.

I sat down on the bed in between his legs with his arms around me, he poked my sides which made me jump and giggle, he stopped for a few seconds then did it again and again which made me start laughing uncontrollably.

Knock knock knock "hey baby, who are you talking too?" I heard my mom ask and open the door, I quickly ran to the door as she opened it and pushed her out and shut the door behind me. Here we go this time I'm actually going to tell her " I sorta have a boyfriend and he's in my room, and it's been 2 months but every time I try to say it something happens" my mom sighs and looks concerned for me as usual "okay let's see him then" I smile at her and open my door.

I look in excited that she'll finally meet him. But when we go in, there's no one there, my mom lets out a shaky sigh and gives me a smile as I frown and look between her and around my bedroom "mum, I swear he was here like two seconds ago I don't know how he could suddenly leave, um maybe he was nervous or something or-or he needed to go to the bathroom. Yeah, he's probably in the bathroom, here come to sit with me while we wait."

I pulled her over to my bed and sat down with her. She looked at me with a worried face but nodded and stayed with me.

It was about 10 minutes later when my mom stood up again. "Sweetie, I don't think he's coming, I-" I shook my head "I- I don't know why this keeps happening, he was here, we were about to watch a movie. I just want you to meet him and approve of him and love him like your own son. I j-just don't know why he keeps leaving every time, why does this keep happening? Why does this keep HAPPENING?!" I was panting hard and tears were rolling down my cheeks.

My mom's eyes were glistening with tears "sweetie..." she sighs

"I think we need to take you back to the infirmary" 

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