The Misleading Couple

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I finally get to my locker and groan when realising it's only Monday, I put the things I don't need in my locker and get out a few books for my first class.

I close my locker and squeak when I see my lover, King, standing there next to me. I grin and swing my finger, signalling for him to come closer. King smiled and obeyed like a dog, just how I liked it.

He reached me and grabbed me while kissing me on the lips, I kissed back, smiling into it while still clutching onto my books.

I pulled away from him and kissed his cheek tenderly. We were named one of the cutest couples in school, unlike some schools who had half of it consisting of bigot assholes. My boyfriend was the sweetest human on earth, in my opinion. he was a quiet one, never has much to say, he's a weirdly tall height of 6'1" which stalks over my 5'5". He has tan skin, coffee-coloured hair and pale hazel eyes which I think is a gorgeous combination. He gives off an intimidating, alpha male, dominant vibe with his muscular body and mysterious aura.

I, on the other hand, appeared very submissive and adorable. I had messy blonde hair and light azure eyes with a slender and petite body and I was concerningly pale, I used to get picked on but my loving boyfriend stopped them and protected me like the knight he is.

Oh! How foolish of me I didn't even tell you our names, my name is Vinny and my amazing boyfriend is King.

Anyway, let's get back to the present.

We were walking to our class which we, fortunately, had most together, he makes the class so much more bearable.

Once we were in class we sat in our seats and not long after the teacher came in with his usual scowl on. King and I sat next to each other in the back corner; so we wouldn't be caught talking and doing whatever it is we do in class.

As soon as I tried to listen in I felt kings hand on my thigh, I shot him a look saying 'don't even think about it' he smirked at me and looked back to the front up, still not removing his hand.

It was about 5 minutes later when I'm finally concentrating that I feel his hand moving higher up my leg, I squirm and glare at him.

He ignores me and continues his way up. It's not long before his hand rests on my clad dick, I hit his hand but he keeps it there "if you keep going you'll know what happens when we get home"

He shrugged and started rubbing my bulge, I gasp and grip the table, a few people look over at me at which I smile and try to act natural even though I feel like moaning in pleasure.

I squirm in my chair and see my knuckles went white from how hard I'm gripping the table. I rest my head on the table and bite my finger to keep me from completing exposing myself.

I grip Kings wrist, not sure what I was trying to accomplish with that but he keeps going. I squeak as he goes faster and I'm sent into a world of bliss. As you can tell I'm very sensitive to pleasure.

My leg is uncontrollably bouncing the longer he goes on and I feel like I can't hold on any longer as my eyes almost cross. I raise my hand, not being able to deal with this anymore.

The teacher looked at me and nodded for me to go on "m-may I please g-gO to the b-b-bathroom" I squeaked out with a small moan on the end.

"you may" I squealed and leapt out of my seat and ran to the bathroom.


Now I know what you'll probably think when I tell you my boyfriend and I live together. he and I are both 18 and our parents agreed to it and helped us get a small house together.

"baby, go sit on the couch" King frowned at me and shook his head which made me raise an eyebrow at him.

"don't make me ask again, baby boy, you're already in trouble" he gave a small pout and went to go sit on the couch while I went to our bedroom, changed into some appropriate clothes (use your imagination) and grabbed the few things I needed.

I made my way back into the lounge room where I found my baby, sitting quietly and obediently just like I asked.

He looked up from the floor when I came in and looked slightly wary when he saw what I had in my hands, I smiled and walked over to him and set the things down on the table.

"strip" I commanded "b-but, Vinny" "NOW" he whimpered and started taking all his clothes off, once he was done he sat back on the couch in only his underwear.

"bend over the couch arm, baby boy" He looked at me with wide eyes "Vinny! I swear I won't do it again, please don't punish me" I shook my head at him "do it now"

He nodded and bent over the couch arm as I wanted and whimpered as I lightly kissed his bareback to which his whole body relaxed before tensing back up as I struck his ass with my black paddle.

He groaned and whined as I did it four more times. Once I was done I grabbed some cream and massaged his red butt "I'm sorry King, you know I hate it just as much as you but you knew what you were getting yourself into when you did what you did in class today."

He nodded and slumped against the couch as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders whilst still sitting next to him.

"You did so well today baby boy! I'm so proud of you, my precious king," he nodded and laid on top of me, nuzzling his face into my neck and I could feel his smile against me.

I knew he loved getting praised and getting a lot of positive attention from me and I'm happy to oblige to his desires. He looked like a cold hard beast on the outside but he was just a big softie who needed some love and affection like everyone else, it makes my heart swell every time I think about being the only one who gets to see this side of him.

I kissed his head and run my small fingers through his hair "I love you, King"

"I love you too, Vinny" 

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