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Not looking back we ran towards and into the abandoned mansion in a panic.

I didn't have to look around at everyone to know that we were all in a state of complete shock and fear, having lost someone that's what you'd expect.

1 year today is how long its been happening and every day is a struggle to survive.

Let me tell you how it all started.


One year before...

My friends and I had fortunately been put into a group together today for the camp activities.

We were at a week-long school trip out in the middle of nowhere, trees and wildlife surrounded us all the time, it was a nice getaway but not so amazing for half the students here (including myself) who adored their phones and the service it gives.

Something about bonding with nature and reconnecting with where we were made blah blah blah bs.

Although me and my friends were in a group together it really didn't make it anymore bearable to be in a group along with three cocky airheads who didn't know the difference between their dick and their hand and two bitchy girls who didn't understand that what they threw at me wasn't going to make me cease to exist-

"Chloe, throw another stick at me and I swear to god your fake tan will be black and blue," I told them without turning around, I practically had steam coming out of my ears at this point.

I felt a stick hit my back another time and I turned around so fast that I should've gotten whiplash. I stalked towards her with murder on my mind.

Before I got there my friends had pulled me back and sat me back on the log I was previously seated at. I grumbled to myself, we weren't even doing what we were supposed to be.

The activity was to sit in a circle in different locations from the other groups and bond with each other but that clearly wasn't what was happening.

I was a tall girl and in between skinny and wide, I had a small waist and stomach and then a big ass and thighs which to me wasn't particularly a good thing being 5'8" I looked like a tree trunk. I had green eyes and tan to light skin a big head of dirty blonde waves.

While grumbling to myself I heard a faint sound in the distance and it gradually got louder, I turned around and saw everyone also looking "what...is that"

It looked like a person running towards us but I couldn't tell for sure until they got closer. "GO! RUN! YOU HAVE TO LEAVE" we all looked at each other confused and looked back at this panicked man.

"GO PLEASE! RUN RUN RU-" we all screamed as he got tackled by a figure of some sort, I stood up from my seat and backed up a bit more, the figure clawed and bit at the unknown man.

"what the fuck is happening" I heard one of the meatheads ask, the unknown figure looked up and looked like it was breathing very heavily. I gasped, they had a pale, greyish skin colour and torn and tattered clothes, they had marks and scratches everywhere and looked like he hadn't gotten sleep in a century.

"shit, guys, we- I think we need to go" they all stood up but stayed planted to the spot as the human-like creature stood up

"Guys... We. Need. To. Run. NOW!" the creature started limp-running towards us, and we ran, straight into the forest next to us, it started growling and making strange noises as we ran like our lives depended on it, because they probably did.

I saw a huge house in front of us right when i heard the growling noises multiply, "THIS WAY GUYS!" I ran right towards the house and into it.

I stood by the door as everyone ran in, and quickly slammed it closed and locked it when we were all in. I turned around and gasped when I saw another group of kids from school standing there looking at us with just as much fear as we probably did.

Holy shit, what is going on. 

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