Chapter 18

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   We rode to Isengard and came upon Merry and Pippin, sitting on a broken wall, smoking. The biggest smile appeared on my face when I saw them. They saw me and waved, equally big smiles on. "I feel like I'm back at the Green Dragon after a hard day's work," Pippin said to Merry. "Only, you've never done a hard day's work," Merry replied. They laughed, and I laughed as well.

   We rode up to them and I was so tempted to jump off my horse and hug them, but I didn't. "Welcome, my Lords and Lady, to Isengard!" Merry smiled. "You little rascals! A merry hunt you've led us on, and now we find you, feasting and smoking!" Gandalf scolded. "We are sitting on a field of victory, enjoying a few well-earned comforts," Pippin said. "The salted pork is particularly good." "Salted pork?" Gimli asked. "Hobbits," Gandalf muttered.

   "We're under orders, from Treebeard, who's taken over management of Isengard," Merry announced. Gandalf had us ride over to Treebeard, who was an Ent. "Young master Gandalf. I'm glad you've come. Wood and water, stock and stone, I can master. But there is a Wizard to manage here. Look to his tower," Treebeard said very slowly. "And there Saruman must remain. Under your guard, Treebeard," Gandalf told him. "Well, let's just chop of his head and be done with it," Gimli suggested. "Oooh, yeah! I like that idea!" I agreed, unsheathing my sword. "No. He has no power anymore," Gandalf said. I rolled my eyes and groaned.

   "The filth of Saruman is washing away. Trees will come back to live here. Young trees, wild trees," Treebeard murmured. Pippin saw something orange glowing in the water, walked over to it, and picked it up. "Pippin!" I barked. "Bless my bark!" Treebeard said. "Peregrin Took! I'll take that, my lad. Quickly now," Gandalf said quickly. Pippin reluctantly handed the glowing orb to Gandalf, who wrapped it up in his robes immediately.


   We rode all the way to Edoras, and Éowyn watched us arrive. I hopped off my horse and smiled, and was taken by surprise when she hugged me. "You're alive!" she exclaimed, pulling back and grinning. "Of course I am. It takes more than a few orcs to kill me!" I said. She just shook her head, chuckling.


   "Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country. Hail the victorious dead!" King Théoden announced. Éomer handed Legolas and Gimli drinks. "No pauses. No spills," he smirked. "And no regurgitation," Gimli added. "So it's a drinking game?" Legolas asked. Gimli nodded. "Last one standing wins." "Ha! You're lucky I don't drink. I prefer a healthy lifestyle. But if I drank, you two would lose like that," I chortled, snapping my fingers on the word "that". "Yeah right," Gimli muttered. Legolas gave me a look like he didn't believe me. I just smirked. "This will be fun to watch," I murmured.

   "What'll we drink to?" someone asked. "Let's drink to victory! To victory!" men shouted. Gimli gulped down his mug while Legolas sniffed the drink, then carefully took a sip. I grinned and rolled my eyes, then heard singing. I turned my head to find Merry and Pippin singing and dancing on a table. I laughed merrily.

   Legolas set down another mug, as did Gimli, and someone handed them each a full one. They had gone through lots of mugs, but I knew I could easily beat them. Gimli muttered something, then belched. I chuckled. "I feel something. A slight tingle in the tips of my fingers. I think it's affecting me," Legolas said, looking at his fingers then turning to Gimli. "What did I say? He can't hold his liquor," Gimli said, then his eyes crossed and he passed out. I burst out laughing. "Game over," Legolas murmured.

   "Well, you won that battle. But I bet you couldn't beat me in an eating contest," I sneered. Legolas raised his eye brows and looked me up and down, as if to say, "I think not. Do you see how skinny you are?" "Yeah, I know I'm skinny, but that's just because I'm so active, so I don't gain any weight," I informed him, folding my arms. "So? You up to it?" "It's on," Legolas challenged. I motioned for him to sit down across from me, and he did so.

   "What are we eating?" he inquired. "Steak. Delicious steak," I answered, making my own mouth water. "Oi! Can we get some steaks over here?" I nearly shouted. A little while later, a man came to our table with plates of steak. I got a fork and knife, and Legolas did the same. "Eat!" I smiled, and we dug in. I cut my pieces with incredible speed and made them small so they were easier to chew.

   By the time I had finished three steaks, Legolas was just starting his second. We kept eating until Legolas held up his hands. "I give up," he stated, clutching his stomach. I smiled triumphantly, and took another bite of steak to rub it in his face. "You didn't stand a chance," I smiled. "How many did you eat?" "3," Legolas answered. "You?" "6 1/2," I replied. "And I could have eaten more." Legolas' jaw dropped. "How in the world did you eat that many?" he wondered. "I was nearly starved to death for 3,000 years. I need to make up for all that food I didn't eat," I smirked. Legolas tried to hide his smile.

   "Well, I guess you win. Are you happy?" he questioned. "Very," I grinned smugly. "Would you care to go for a walk outside?" I asked, standing up and holding my hand out to him. "Why not?" Legolas said, taking my hand and standing up. I lead him outside and we gazed up at the stars. "They're so beautiful," I murmured. He turned to look at me. "Very," he said, then looked back up at the stars. I squinted, and I saw Legolas do the same.

   Just then, Aragorn came out. "The stars are veiled," I said suddenly. "Something stirs in the east. A sleepless malice," Legolas added. "The eye of the enemy is moving," I finished. I decided to head back inside to get some sleep, but I just couldn't sleep. I sat up and watched over everyone protectively as they slept. I heard a rustling sound, and looked over to see Pippin standing over Gandalf. I found this odd, and stood up. "Pippin? Pippin!" Merry whisper-yelled. Pippin took out the cloth holding the glowing orb from Gandalf's robes and exchanged it with a vase. "Are you mad?!" Merry whispered. "I just want to look at it. Just one last time," Pippin whispered back.

   "Pippin!" I whispered harshly. He ignored both of us. "Baw!" I said a bit louder, shaking my head. It was too late. He had unwrapped it and was staring at it, smiling. "I'd never thought I'd say this, but YOU FOOL OF A TOOK!" I shouted. Pippin's smile faded, and he looked like he was in pain. He began writhing and screaming on the ground. "Pippin!" I screeched.

   "Pippin! Somebody help! Bean! Gandalf!" Merry cried. I ran over to them, but Gandalf was already up. Pippin passed out and the orb rolled away. Legolas and Aragorn burst into the room just as Gandalf threw a cloak over the orb. "Pippin," I said worriedly, dropping to my knees and holding him. "Pippin!" Merry exclaimed. "Fool of a Took!" Gandalf scolded. Gandalf pushed Merry away and looked at Pippin, who seemed frozen in a look of fear. Gandalf touched his forehead and muttered something, and Pippin woke up. "Pippin!" I breathed.

   He began crying. "Look at me," Gandalf ordered. "Gandalf, forgive me," he begged. "Look at me! What did you see?" Gandalf pressed. Pippin looked away, but I gently moved his head back towards Gandalf. "A tree. I saw a white tree. In a courtyard of stone. It was dead," Pippin whispered. "The city was burning." "Minas Tirith. Is that what you saw?" Gandalf inquired. "I saw...I saw HIM. His voice is in my head..." Pippin whispered, still crying. "What did you tell him? Speak!" Gandalf demanded. "He asked me my name. I didn't answer. So he hurt me," Pippin quivered. "What did you tell him about Frodo and the ring?!" Gandalf questioned. Pippin gave Gandalf a confused look.

   I put my hands on either side of Pippin's face and looked into his eyes. We were upside down to each other because he was in my lap. I began to sing softly as he looked into my silvery eyes. I was singing In Sindarin, but what they didn't know is that I was actually singing a spell to help calm him down. We were looking into each other's eyes so intently, I didn't see the sad/jealous look on Legolas's face.

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