Chapter 6: IRegular

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"Carly open your door i have to tell you how much fun i had." i yelled.

She opened her door and her hair looked like a monster.

"Woah were you asleep."

"No i was up all night on skype with brad."

"Wait, you and brad what!"

"Come in and sit ." she said.


"So it just so happens that me and brad kinda hit it off."she admited.

"Omg tell me ze details."

''Ok so you know how i have brads number just in case we need him to help us out on our webshow."

"Yea yea."

"Well at the random, he just texted me out of no where saying skype me . So im like why. and hes like do it so i skype him and askes me to be his girl friend and it so happens that we are going on a date tomorrow."

"Oh my God Carly Shay has a boyfriend! Finally."

"What do you mean finally.  I'm likeable. "

"Suree. "

'"What ?"

"Just kidding." I said and tickled her.

"Our ship name is Crad. Isn't it cute.'"

"It sounds like something my aunt Maggie would cough up. Seddie is better."

"Oh Yea speaking of Seddie how was your date thingy " she said and poked me.

"My date thingy was pretty good.  WE drunk Smoothies and went to his house but his mom caught us and she ended the date."

"Aw I'm so happy for you guys."

"I'm happy I finally told him."

"Yup." She pulled out her phone and it seemed like she wasn't paying attention.

"Are you texting Brad ?"

"Noo..  Yes."

"Oh. Carl's can I crash here tonight, my mom bought a guy home and I don't wanna see or hear where that goes."

"Yea I'm about the hit the upstairs.  Night sam."

"Night Carly."


*Goodmorning fredlips, did your mom leave for work yet -Me *

Why didn't he reply back it's been at least 10 mins. I sat up and pulled the blanket off of me.  A little ticked off. I'm sorta new to this boy friend thing. I opened the door and went across the hall and knocked on Freddie's door.

"Huh ' Freddie said in a hoarse voice.


"Lower your voice." He said.

"I'm not gonna lower my-

He pulled me inside. And sat me on the chair.



"My phone was Off and my mom also was disinfecting it, lord knows why. "

"Well you had me all sad.  You know I'm kinda new to this boyfriend stuff you know. "

"I'll kiss you to make it better. "

"Ew Benson you gotta brush your teeth first. "

"I'm too lazy to brush. I mean its sunday. "

"Don't you have to go to your train club today.?"

"Yea I'm gonna go take a shower. " he ran to the bathroom leaving his phone on the arm of the chair.

Should i go through it?

I  mean he is my boyfriend.

HE wouldn't cheats because if he's cheating already he knows I'll break his face.

I turn his phone on and wait for the theme song. Remember he has a gigantic phone.

"MAX pad. " I whispered the theme.

His phone screensaver was already a picture of me. Then his phone started to blow up. With texts from from random people. I went to the text message icon and looked through his messages. One from Rebecca burkawits  it read:

*hey I see you around school . Let's hang. -rb*

*No thanks I already have my eye on a blonde and your not it *-fb

I think he was talking about me. Even before he denied people and waited for me. I put his phone down.

"Hey sam What shirt do you like the white or black. " Freddie came out of his room with zero shirt on.

"Uh,uh, uh. Um black." I wiped my mouth to make sure I wasn't drooling.

He walked in to his room.

"Oh and stop drooling! " he yelled.

"I wasn't. " I whined.

He walked back out the room .and grabbed his phone off the table.

"YOU wanna go with me sam?"

"Sure why not my mom probably isn't home anyway. "

"OK lets hit it."

Short but it's OK.



Luv to All....

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