Chapter -2

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My mind focused on every other single sound other than what i did not want to hear( great right?guess its a gift?);the teacher's lecture , every time i gaped.

I was intimated by the sound of texting on phone behind me. I quickly glanced at the boy behind  me who was drowned in texting behind his books. I slowly leaned back on my chair ,"Texting who?"

"A friend " he answered

"Guy or ...Gurrll??"

"Uh...Guy." he said shyly

I chuckled "A special friend ?"

"Whut.?" he looked up stuttering "Well..Yeah..kind of ,i guess? why?"

"Do him?" I asked keeping my giggles inside.

He was greatly taken aback by this and i could already see the red tint on his cheeks.

"Where did that come from.?.!"

I totally leaned back and said "Don worry~,i won't tell anyone" and winked at him for assurance "Besides, i really~ love gay shit--"

We were startled by the slam of Mr. Wilson's stick on the guy's table.                                               

"Say what, Miss Y/N ?"

"Holy shit" I cursed under my breath as i awkwardly stood up ,"Oh-, I'm so Gay to have such a strong teacher as you for our History class!"

He raised his eyebrows at me.

"Ah! 'Gay' for as you know ....'Glad ' as per it's second meaning in dictionary.!" I crossed my fingers.

Almost everyone in the class was holding back their laughter by pursing their lips or holding onto something.

"Ohkay. And as for you Mr. Frost,"

The guy stood up and bowed to the teacher " I apologize for using my phone during the class, i won't do it again"

"That's fine but,-" he snatched his phone "how do i know?"

Frost looked up at Mr. Winston.

"You'll get it back after detention today" he declared.

"The F--" you trailed off as Mr. Winston eyed you "K-k.." you said not wanting to loose your cool .

Mr. Winston looked at me "Hmmm..."

I glanced at my sides and suddenly understood "Ah-I'm so sorry" as i realized i was being too informal with the teacher and gave out an awkward chuckle.

We both sank down after he said to do so.

"That punk" i swore under my breath again.

The weary period ended by Mr. Winston telling us to wait in the detention room after school until he says anything ,making me grind my teeth .

I turned back to see Frost getting ready for the next class.

"I'm sorry" I said

He looked up with a surprised expression " Huh?"

"What? I said sorry"

"Ah- Oh -......N-no, it's okay , i  was wrong too anyway.."

"There's no wrong in loving someone" I said quickly

"Aaa.....-" He looked as if he was struggling to find words to fill his sentence "...I was talking about using the phone--and- and - it's nothing like-- th-that...."he flushed and became quiet looking down.

I sighed" You must be the wife," as i packed my stuff "between the two".

"Whaa--" he looked up shocked.

"Just look how easily you flush,"i leaned in to whisper "Any body would think its cute~"

 I packed my stuff and looked up only to see him spacing out.

"Mr. Frost ," i waved on his face "back on earth please?"

His trance broke and he hurried to his next class."Interesting~" i smiled to myself and hurried to my next class as well.

I will Protect YOU [Jung Hoseok X Reader] (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now