Chapter -6

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Even if none of the commotion going inside the classroom related to me, I was pissed at the students bullying the teacher.

"Teacher! I have a doubt!" I raised my hand and shouted among the commotion. Almost half the class quieted down.

"Oh?" The teacher turned abruptly facing towards me,"What doubt do you have ?" He said calming his seemingly shaken voice.

"I know we did this last grade or a grade ago but I kinda messed it up. If I'm not wrong, pulmonary circulation comes before system circulation, right?" I asked in a doubtful manner.

"Yes , that is correct . In pulmonary circulation, the blood containing Carbon di oxide from all parts of the body except lungs is collected in the heart then transferred to the lungs to be refined -"

"Oh!" I suddenly cut him off as I saw almost the whole class quieting down now, " And in Systemic Circulation, the lungs transfers the refined blood to heart and the heart pumps the refined oxygenated blood to all parts of the body except the Lungs, right?"

"That's right." He smiled, "Is there any other doubt anyone wants to ask?"

The class replied with silence , some sneers and some side glares at me.

"I'll take that as a no" Our Teacher sighed and closed his diary.

I sighed and looked at my watch, the class was about to end so I started packing my stuff slowly.

As for our Biology teacher , he's been teaching in our school since last year , he's always that calm and quite guy who probably doesn't think anything but studies and work. He's a good teacher overall but since he's quite young than other teachers in our school, he's mostly teased by the students in such ways he could never protest for himself and just ignore it.
That's our Biology teacher, Mr.Paul.

The bell finally rang and Mr. Paul walked out almost immediately, he seemed calm but hurried.

"Wierd ", I thought "But should it even bother me?, nO." And I pushed the thought away.

It was the last period so while others were packing thier stuff , I took my bag and walked straight out of the class.

Elisa P.O.V.

It was the last period and I couldn't wait to see my best friend , I hurriedly packed my bag and walked out happily. I just exited the class door when I heard some 3-4 girls gathered
outside our class. Some were and some weren't from our class.

"Dang that girl!"
"Why are you angry? It's not like you'd have actUally teased Mr. Paul in the face!"
"Oh PleASe- you calL him Mr.? How oLD Is he anYWay?"
"Gurl~ I know that lad's young but you don't wanna go to the principal for this right?"

I just wanted to ignore them and go away when I heard the first girl again,

"That Y/N has too much guts and attitude, fUCk her- ugH"
"EH- y'know, she even goT detention today !"
"Oh? HOW?"
"She was talking- oH noe maybe even flirting with That Frost guy in class so Mr.Wilson put them both on detention"
"TcH - she's a probably a SlUt , I really don't like her!"
"Hey maybe not but - ugh whatever"

At this point I couldn't stand it anymore. How DARE THeY call my BEST FRIEND as sUCH behind HER back?!. I turned and stomped towards them.

One of the girls turned to me ,

"Eh? Elisa? What happened?"

"How dare you say such words about Y/N behind her back?!"

The girl who called Y/N slut raised an eyebrow at me.
"And who are you ? Her lawyer ?" She smirked at me.

"Well I don't need to be a lawyer to protest for my best friend !"

She flinched slightly at me talking back .
"Well, looks like you've got much guts like your shitty best friend too~"

"Oh yeah? Yes, I do have enough guts and I'm not sure if you do. If you really hate Y/N and had guts then you'd say it to her face, and not huddle like ducklings and talk behind her back!"

I could see she was angry but had no words at her mouth to speak against what I said.

A muffled "We'll see" with some arrogance is what came out of her mouth.

I sighed , shook my head and went back find to Y/N.
"I hate her more now! UgH!"

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