Chapter 15

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Kath got a message from Mister White towards the end of her first-period class informing her that Jason hadn't just been suspended, but he'd been expelled. The news seemed to spread instantly around the school, but the only people that seemed angry about his departure were the rest of the football team and most of the cheerleaders. The rest of the school seemed to be just as relieved as Kath and some had even come over to talk to her or made an effort to be friendly with her in class - it was obvious that she was ignored before because of Jason, not because they agreed with him about her being a freak, but because they didn't want to get bullied too. She stuck with DJ and Arisse, though, both of them love to see the confident and funny side to her that just shone out in Drama class after lunch. She messed around with DJ, taught Arisse a new dance move - it was incredible how much just losing one bully had changed her entire attitude and outlook on the rest of her experience at school. "I wanna start that vlog channel today," Kath whispered to DJ towards the end of Drama class when they were all getting a last gulp of water before they'd pack up their things and head for their last class. DJ still hadn't been able to join in because of his leg injury - he couldn't keep up with the dance moves, but he planned to be able to join in within the next couple of weeks.

"Oh yeah?" DJ whispered back and she nodded her head, pulling her light jacket on over her bare arms, adjusting the sleeves out of habit so they covered all of her wrists.

"I don't wanna hide anymore... I love what I do and I've been wanting to vlog for months now, so... why not just go for it?" She smiled as DJ leaned in, pecking her lips. They could see that people were looking at them, surprised by how quickly the two of them had gotten together and how much Kath had changed overnight - it was the first time those they had grown up with were seeing Kath without colored contacts for the first time in years. They didn't mean to stare a majority of the time, but her eyes were just so noticeably different.

"Can I watch?" He asked with a smirk and Kath laughed.

"How are you able to make everything that comes out of your mouth sound dirty?" She swung her bag over her shoulder, DJ chuckling and they waited as Arisse talked to a boy she'd been partnered with.

"It's a gift." He mocked, kissing her again and he followed her gaze when she looked back at Arisse.

"She's getting on with Max," Kath said with a smile, but she laughed when DJ burst out laughing. "What?"

"Nothing is gonna happen between them," DJ said through laughter.

"What do you mean?"

"Arisse's gay, Kath." DJ laughed and Kath's eyes widened.

"She is?"

"She is what?" Arisse questioned as she walked over to them, grabbing her backpack.

"You're gay," DJ said simply, chuckling at the glare Kath gave him and Arisse laughed, nodding her head.

"Yeah, I am... and hey, you know what you were saying about the whole fertility test thing during Study Hall? You're too scared of the results to go alone?" Arisse said, the three of them walking down through the stalls and back towards the high school building for their next class.

"Yeah, why?" Kath asked. She'd told Arisse everything during Study Hall, finding a quiet corner for just the three of them so they could talk without being overheard - Arisse even knew about her YouTube channel and about her parents.

"I'll go with you, if you want to make an appointment? I think... even if it's bad news, finding out sooner is better than hanging around until later on and always having the question hanging over you." Arisse said and Kath hesitated.

"You can even ask if Kaye could go with you too?" DJ added his own suggestion, Arisse nodding her head quickly. She could tell just by how Kath talked about the fertility tests that the results meant the world to her - she wanted to be a parent so badly, to have the family she craved as she grew up.

"I... I guess I can call the hospital when I get home." Kath agreed, smiling nervously when Arisse and DJ cheered, proud of her. "What if it's bad news?" Kath asked, looking over at DJ and he wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

"Then there are always other options! Don't worry about it until we definitely have something to worry about, otherwise, we'll always be living on the edge." DJ said softly, kissing her temple and Arisse couldn't help but smile as she watched the two of them together. It had been a long time since she had seen DJ so content and there was even a time when he was in the hospital that she thought she'd lost her best friend forever, but he had found Kath and they seemed to have saved each other right when they needed each other the most.

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