Chapter 25

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Kath sat with DJ in homeroom the next morning, both of them leaning towards each other with their eyes on Kath's phone under the table as they scrolled through property websites.

"You thought of houses?" Arisse asked, keeping her voice down.

"I can't afford a house without getting a huge mortgage-" Kath started.

"You could talk to your Dad... he has a load of savings in your name, he said he'd give them to you for something important - what's more important than living with your girlfriend and baby?" Arisse encouraged in a low voice and Kath bit her lip when she noticed DJ tense up. "You don't have to talk to him, DJ, I know it's hard since the accident." She breathed. He'd told her only the night before that he'd told her about his nightmares that happened at least twice a week - reliving the car accident on the way to visit his alcoholic father in rehab. DJ was in therapy and had been since the accident, but it was still hard for him to talk about.

"I'll think about it." He said, answering both of them and he kissed Kath's temple gently. "Love you." He whispered.

"Love you too." She whispered back, DJ watching as she reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle of water, taking a sip quickly and it was as if DJ and Arisse could see the color draining from her face. "Babe?" DJ questioned, but it was too late. She'd already shot up from her seat and was rushing out of the room.

"Miss Bernardo? Kathryn!" The teacher called after her, but for once she didn't stop and the door banged against the wall in her haste to get out.

"I'll go!" Arisse assured DJ, before sliding across the desk and out of the already-open door and she was only ten feet behind Kath by the time both girls made it to the bathroom, Arisse shutting the cubicle door behind them both as Kath hunched over the toilet, throwing up the water she'd just drank. Arisse held her hair out of her face for her, rubbing her back.

"It's like this just hit me," Kath mumbled, coughing as she heaved again but she had nothing left to throw up.

"I know... my Mom always told me this was the part that sucked the most, but it'll be worth it in the end! Hey, maybe your baby will have the same condition as you - that'd be awesome. A baby with bright purple eyes." Arisse beamed, trying to cheer her up and Kath cracked a weak smile, shaking her head.

"He or she would be born with blue eyes like everyone else... mine changed when I was six months." Kath managed to get out as she tried to catch her breath, a hand on her stomach.

"You in pain?" Arisse asked, her tone giving away that she was worried.

"It just aches because I have nothing to throw up... help me up?" Kath asked and Arisse didn't hesitate to help her, flushing the toilet for her.

"Hey... Pamu and I broke up last night." Arisse admitted and Kath's eyes widened.


"Yeah... I haven't even told DJ yet. We were just arguing a lot - it was mutual. We still love each other, but we're both sick of the fighting." Arisse said and Kath sighed.

"Shit, I'm sorry." She mumbled and Arisse shook her head.

"Nah, it's okay - means I'm free to be your birthing partner now when DJ passes out in the delivery room," Arisse said in a low voice as they both left the cubicle and she grinned when that got Kath to laugh and she stood beside her as Kath rinsed her mouth with water from the sink to get rid of the after taste.

"Hey!" A girl greeted happily, taking Kath by surprise and she turned her head to see a girl stood beside her washing her hands - she thought they were alone in the bathroom.

"Hey... you're Miles, right? From Biology?" Kath asked and Miles grinned.

"Yeah! It's first period, right?" She said and Kath hesitated before slowly nodding her head, slightly taken aback that a girl she hadn't spoken to was suddenly talking to her like they'd known each other for a long time, but she figured that was just the person she was - always peppy and talkative. She could have sworn Miles was on the cheerleading team.

"Unfortunately," Kath said through a sigh, wiping her mouth and Arisse threw it out for her since as she was closer to the trashcan.

"Are you sick? I heard you heaving." Miles said, tilting her head to the side and Kath bit her lip.

"It's nothing - she's fine." Arisse tried to change the subject.

"Okay, as long as you're sure... you wanna walk to Biology together? You're so good in that class and I could use your help with my project!" Miles begged and Kath was stunned, but she slowly nodded her head.

"Um, sure."

"You want me to walk with you?" Arisse offered, Kath going to say something but Miles talked first.

"Don't you have Music on the third floor?" Miles asked politely and Arisse sighed, nodding when Kath gave her an apologetic look at the three girls headed out of the bathroom together.

Miles could barely contain her smirk.


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