ironic and vampire knowledge *smirks*

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Do you just love when you mix a movie you were writing technically about and just push it into your universe because your bored and it's funny??? No? Just me then, your author who you haven't murdered yet *grins* any who I wanted the mate thing to be unique and do a physical way to show people who they each belong to.  Was that so wrong? Although now if you want to you can guess who the Cullens true mates are or Rosie's. The Cullens might show their faces they might not. It'll be funny though if I did bring them in. Hmmmm should I bring in the volturri? Nahhhhh.... not yet at least. Did your wonderful stay up because it's 1:35 am? Yes. Is that why she's actually acting more crazy than usual??? Most likely. Though my family did ignore that I was talking to a tomato and myself in the kitchen while I was making supper for us soooo I might be off my rocker a bit. Anyways till next chapter tutaloo! Nope not saying that ever again. Blegh that was a gross sentence. Okay so I'll write when I can love,
your cheeky lil author. ♡♡♡

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