Part 12

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They arrived in Scarlet town to receive their Royal bureau license. They were all escorted to a building. Inside it was amazing. There were multiple crystal chandeliers. Designs and paintings were splattered all over the walls. The escort said they were all going to the gymnasium. Everyone was confused. Why the gymnasium? Once they were all in the gym, which was as humongous, a man walked up to a podium. Carter had recognized him as the director of the royal bureau and also as an ultra, one of the astronauts who had stopped the black/white hole. The director cleared his throat. "Congratulations contestants! You have survived beast island. Sadly, out of 500 only 20 have returned and only 10 will become Royal Bureau." People began to mutter responses. "We have been amazed by your talents and actions and we want nothing but the best. You shall proceed into a competition of 1 against 1 matches. The winners of their matches will be ranked either A, B, C, D, and F. We wish you all the best of luck."

Truth be told Carter wasn't surprised. They were all guided to the battlefield which was a large stadium. Thousands of people were packed with in the stadium. The contestants were divided into two lines. Human and Amerson. He was the only Human in his line and people began to get quiet.

"He's a human? How did he pass the beast island exam?"

"He probably cheated!"

"He's just a kid!"

After a while it began to quiet down. With his luck he was the first match up. People began to laugh at him. Then the whole crowd was laughing. He decided to give them a show. He made a portal that was across the field. This made people quiet. It then shot his sword toward his chest. There was gasp all around. He made another portal capturing it and shooting it at his waiting hand.

"I thought he was human!" "They really need to be more organized!"

Everyone was surprised when they proved he really was human by sticking a power radar in his face. His opponent turned out to be a very buff man. He was the size of a garbage truck and had axes as weapons. He laughed. "You think you can take on the great Hedgehog?! I'll squash you like a bug! Then I'll get the greatest guild offer!" A guild was a group of Bureau who loved fighting crime. They would team up and take out the most crime. Whoever is the most heroic gets the most money. A bigger space and attraction and fame. A horn was blown signaling the match had started. People had gone to get snacks thinking by the time they got back it would be over.

Porcupine dropped his axes and charged. So it would be fair carter dropped his. Hedgehog tucked over and rolled into a ball and came after Carter. Carter held his hand out stopping the hedgehog from any more moving. The crowd was amazed because most of the had come back from getting their snacks. Carter picked the hedgehog up not letting him be able to untuck. He then threw him like a baseball. Hedgehog untucked and put a fist in the ground stopping him from moving any further.

Hedgehog picked his axes back up. He then threw one at Carter. Carter gathered aura in his hand and blocked it.
"did he just block that with his bare hand?"

"It should be cut off!"

"So he can make portals and he's invincible?"

After he blocked the axe, Hedgehog rolled toward him again. Before he reached Carter, he stopped and jumped up. He threw his second axe. After blocking the second one hedgehog slammed down from his spot in the air. Carter made another portal so when hedgehogs fist landed inside it came out another one that punched himself in the face. Then after that Carter Gathered all the energy around him, pulled his fist back and punched hedgehog, "TITANS PUNCH!!!" Hedgehog flew out of the arena into the air. Before he could hit the ground he made a portal making hedgehog disappear.

The crowd was amazed. Shouts of 'where did he go?' and 'what did you do to him'? spread throughout the arena. The announcer began yelling into his microphone, "Ladies and gentlemen what an incredible display by our new fourth Royal bureau!" The crowd went wild. Everyone screaming and chanting. Not bothering to pay attention he walked out of the arena for a snack. He had put hedgehog on a nearby stretcher on the way out. He was crowded by constant reporters asking how he did what he did or how does it feel to become the fourth Royal bureau?

They all scattered once the director, Cho Ayana, had walked up to him. "That was an incredible display right their son," He started. "You know instead of joining a guild that you can join the association as an officer." There were three types of Royal bureau. Ones that joined guilds were called sages. Others who worked alone were called bounty hunters. Lastly ones who joined the main association were called officer's.

"I can make you my right hand man. We also have good pay. So what do you say?" He decided to bring back an old friend and plainly said, "No thanks." The director squinted his eyes and said as if he had heard him wrong, "What did you say?" Carter once again said, "No thanks. I'm better off as a Bounty hunter." He then walked off leaving the director stunned.

He had returned to the arena just in time for the ending of Connor's match. He had won even though the battle was one sided. He didn't even need to use his powers. The two had walked into the middle of the arena with the remaining contestants. The director made another speech that Carter didn't bother to listen to.

"Now we present the badges of our young brave warriors." The badges had a design of a sword through two hoops. "We also supply them with a license with unlimited money for food clothing shelter and etcetera." Carter eagerly took his. As soon as the ceremony was over he would go to the bank and transfer money to his mom.

He had eagerly run out of the building with Conner as soon as the ceremony was finished. "so where are going first?" asked Conner. "We need to train." Conner kept staring at him as they walked. "once again. Where are we going first?" Carter sighed. "Were going to Brazil. It's one of the largest areas that practice martial arts. "But how are we going to get there?" asked Conner. Carter held up his license and smiled.

A/N Guys i would really appreciate it if you would comment on the story. If you follow me you will get a new update every time i post. I'm really trying to keep updating but its hard to keep posting without having any feedback whether you like it or not.

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